Wednesday, April 16, 2008
WFMW: Coffee Filter Butterflies

I don't know about you but as much as I love participating in this WFMW exchange, sometimes I can't think of any decent ideas. So, unless Shannon requests a specific theme, I've decided to focus my efforts on offering craft ideas. And I'd love it if you'd leave me a comment with some craft ideas of your own!

Coffee Filter Butterfly

Wooden Clothes Pins
Round Coffee Filters
Black Sharpie Marker
Watercolor Paints
Pipe Cleaner
Glue Gun
Take the coffee filters and spray them with water till they lay flat but aren't drenched (it should only take a few short sprays, I use warm water). Now, go nuts blobbing the watercolors on the wet coffee filters, it will run and smear but don't worry.
Use the Sharpie marker to draw eyes and a mouth on a wooden clothes pin.
Wrap a pipe cleaner once around the top of your wooden clothes pin (I added a dab of glue to the back to hold the pipe cleaners on tight) so that you have two antennas poking up. Curl the ends of each pipe cleaner to make the antennas look more realistic.
I put a strip of magnet on the backside of clothespin and stuck them on the fridge. My son made 5 of these and we're mailing some of them to the grandparents as little gifts, just for fun!
Creating coffee filter butterflies works for me. To find out what works for others, be sure to check out the other links at Shannon's, the creator of Works-For-Me Wednesday!
My past WFMW entries are found here.
Labels: craft ideas, kids crafts, Works-For-Me Wednesday
I have one of these that is over twenty yrs old my daughter made!! Check out homemade KIDS PAINT Recipes on my post!
This is so cute! I love crafty projects. Thanks for the idea!! Love it!
This is a cute craft. I have one hanging in my kitchen that my daughter made. It just reminds me of summer. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are having a great day.
That is a very cute idea. One thing I learned from a different craft is that if you don't have watercolor washable markers work great too! It just works in reverse order, color the coffee filter and then spray the coffee filter just enough to get it wet and the color from the marker spreads across the paper.
Just make sure to have something under the coffee filter because it does leak below.
Those are very cute! Thanks, I'm going to try that today with my granddaughter. :)
Very cute! I'm going to have to "borrow" some filters from work today and take them home!
So cute! That would be a fun project to do with the kids at church!
We sing a song, Fuzzy Little Caterpillar, where he turns into a butterfly, so we did this last week. We used another wooden doll pin for a caterpillar and used yarn to hang them together. We cut a pipe cleaner in thirds and slipped through the doll pin for legs. We glued those three pieces in the slot and then bent a part out on each side of each one to make feet.
We used tissue paper rather than coffee filters, though. We just decorated the wings with glitter and stuff.
These are super cute. The school I worked at yesterday had tons hanging from the ceiling.
Another way to do it if someone doesn't want to use paint is to draw on the coffee filters with markers and then spray with water. The markers bleed, giving a similar result.
I love this! I have some of those clothes pins just waiting to be used. I'm linking this post in the my TV Turnoff Week Idea post.
As far as foster care goes, I think we have 2 major questions right now. One is our age, we're in our mid-twenties and didn't know if this is a factor in qualifying to be a foster parent. The other question we have is with our children. We have a 2 year old and 6 month old and not sure what age is best, if older or younger foster children are better for family dynamics or if it matter. We're not ready yet, but it's been something we've talked about several times. Any thoughts?
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