Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Adoption #2- the lead that didn't pan out

That private adoption lead that I posted about at the beginning of the month hasn't materialized into anything solid. In fact, my neighbor told me that, although the baby's mother and father wanted to make an adoption plan, the baby's maternal grandmother is encouraging them to keep the baby. My neighbor said she's not sure how it will play out in the end.
I told my neighbor that if there was any doubt about placing the baby for adoption, then they were right not to rush into that decision. I told her that I have no problem with the fact that the maternal grandmother wants to try to make it work. I told my neighbor that if the entire family made the decision to place the baby for adoption, then we'd be interested in talking to them but otherwise we didn't want to put additional pressure on the baby's parents.
So, that private adoption lead probably isn't going to pan out, and I'm okay with that.
We still have not heard back from the state on getting licensedfor foster-to-adopt. It's taking much longer than we were lead to believe it would but what can we do? All we can do is continue to wait.
In the meantime, we've gotten an email from yet another employee of the agency we went through. It seems they'd like a Foster Care Specialist to meet us and get to know us in preparation for our getting licensed. I'm not sure why we have to do this song and dance with another agency employee but I guess we'll make an appointment for her to come out and meet us next Friday afternoon. She wants to meet us at our home. ((sigh))
I'm reminded yet again that by going through the state in our attempts to adopt a second time we have to get used to having strangers in and out of our home checking up on us. The tough part is knowing that this will possibly be the case for 12-18 months after we're placed with a child! Yikes!
But, despite the endless wait and the feeling like our private lives are constantly under a microscope, we're committed to this path of adoption. We've gone through so much already that we're not turning back now.
Your ongoing prayers would be much appreciated!
Labels: adoption, adoption #2, foster-to-adopt, fostering
It is a hard thing to do fost/adopt, but worth it in the end! I have three beautiful Lambies we adopted out of foster care. We served the Lord as foster parents for five years before He told us to adopt. I have often thought about getting certified again to adopt, but our current house size, though a five bedroom, limits us on that.
We could only adopt a single child, and s/he would have to be an infant, AND the adoption would have to be finished before s/he turned two. The Lord will have to lead us strongly before we do it again.
Keep praying about it, and get used to jumping through hoops. It's all worth it!
I'm so impressed with your constancy and perseverance. It is such a blessing to follow a family with such a love for children.
Prayers that things move forward a little faster, but I am sure the Father knows already the child who will fit your arms and your family perfectly.
Be strong!
Sounds like a perfect set of parents waiting for a child. There are so many children that need people like you, it is a shame that it is so hard to finalize. Will say a special prayer for you.
God Bless!
I am so sorry it didn't not pan out for you but know that you are in my prayers. I know God has the perfect little baby for you!
God Bless!
I am so sorry that you're going through this song-and-dance number. Hang in there! I am sure that it'll all be worth it in the end. Thanks for keeping us updated!
I'm sorry for these ups and downs you are going through. I will keep you in my prayers as you press on.
still praying :)
After finalizing a foster-adoption placement, it is so worth it to have my girl, but there are a lot of hoops to jump through. Just when you think you have everything done and everything turned in, something else that you need to do pops up! That's a state adoption for you. However, it DOES pay off in the end. A great forum if you have questions or need support is Most of the members have done a foster-adopt or straight adoption through the state. :) Hope things continue to go well!
I'm sorry it looks as if that potential lead won't pan out after all :( but I think you're right in that if the family isn't entirely committed you don't want to get involved in that situation. How frustrating someone else is also going to come out to your house for the foster program now! Geesh! You guys sure have been through a lot with that!
You guys have my prayers.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Courage, things are not always what they appear with adoption workers. I know it is hard. I love you and hope that you rest in the peace of letting go and yet holding on:)
It's not an easy road you are on and you're courage and perseverance is amazing! I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
This is not urgent, but when you get the chance please stop by my blog. I have something for you over there. I've moved my blog to:
Take care!
I know this must be such a stressful endeavor. But I would perhaps looking at having to meet yet another state worker as a blessing......the more people you meet.......the more people you know that you are an awesome family.....the more minds you are on when opportunities arise to adopt.......well that might lead that special little one to YOU their forever family.
We will keep you in our prayers.
Hi Overwhelmed! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your suggestion regarding the book I won is a really good one! I was planning on doing just that. Thanks!
I so admire you for being so patient. I'm sure this was a huge disappointment, but you know, I'm putting myself in the grandmother's position and if I'm honest, I know I, too, would probably encourage my daughter to keep her baby. I know I'd do everything in my power to help her.
Still, I feel bad for you that this lead isn't going to pan out for you.
I empathize with feeling like you're under a microscope. That has to be difficult. It's amazing what they put you through and how they make you feel. Still, I can understand why they'd be so careful.
You can count on my prayers. This has been a really long haul for you.
The process does seem overwhelming at times but once it is all said and done it is so worth it. Our first two we had to do private adoption and fight the parents, our third one we went foster to adopt and I tell you they were both just as nerve reckening. But I am so thankful not to be able to call them mine! :) Where God guides he provides. Good luck
Again, your attitude is so very very refreshing! I like you already and boy are you talented in your baking!
I'll be praying that your adoption workds out in the best of times!
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