Thursday, January 03, 2008
Adoption #2- Overdue Update on Baby Bug

Baby Bug is doing great! As of 27 December, she weighs 9 lbs. I'm not sure how long she is but it's apparent that she's growing and filling out. She's finally outgrowing some of her newborn sleepers (she's still in 0-3 months) and we've been able to move her from newborn diapers to Size 1 diapers. She's filling out nicely.
Baby Bug is a fairly happy baby. She'll fuss or cry when she's hungry and now that she's awake for longer periods of time, she lets us know when she's bored and wants us to talk to her. She's quick to smile when she hears our voices and when we interact with her. She's even started to coo and attempt to "talk" to us. Snuggle Bug loves to sit in front of her and say, "Smile, baby!"
Speaking of Snuggle Bug, he continues to be amazing with Baby Bug. He likes to help care for her, to read her books, he tries to comfort her when she's crying, and he's protective of her around others. Still no signs of jealousy.
We thought we were doing a good job of helping Snuggle Bug to understand that Baby Bug has her own parents, that she visits twice a week, and that we are just caring for her for a while. Yesterday he surprised me by calling her, "my baby sister". We've never referred to her as that with him, but strangers automatically assume this and use that phrase so I guess he picked it up that way. I must admit hearing him call her that alarmed me a bit. How will he cope if/when she returns to her parents?
Speaking of returning to her parents, by all appearances thus far, reunification is just a matter of time and it may happen sooner rather than later.
Baby Bug's father has a court appearance next Wednesday and the CPS worker told me today that they're going to push for in-home services, where Baby Bug would be returned to her parents and CPS would provide services for her each week. I'm not clear if "they" means Baby Bug's father and his lawyer or if that means CPS as well, but the CPS worker is giving me the impression that they will support this arrangement. CPS is very pleased with how well both of Baby Bug's parents have followed the mandates of CPS and the state these past 5 weeks. They've done everything asked of them.
I'll be honest, the thought of Baby Bug being returned to her parents as early as next week made my stomach clench in fear. Has it been long enough for her parents to prove that they have gotten their lives together enough to take care of her properly and to keep her safe?
Last night I was discussing this with Oronzo and I started crying as I held Baby Bug. It's impossible not to get attached and it's very clear to me that I'm attached to this baby. I will miss her dearly when she is gone!
I'm sad that we won't be able to adopt her. Still, Oronzo is right when he reminded me that if her parents can take care of her, it's a good thing that they're getting her back. And, if that's the case, it's better that her return happens now, rather than 6-9 months from now, when letting her go would be even harder.
It's not a done deal yet. Baby Bug's dad (and lawyer) will have to convince a judge that they are stable enough to get her back. You can bet I'll be at the hearing next Wednesday to find out the results, first hand.
If/when Baby Bug is returned to her parents, I will be praying that they shower her with the love and attention that she deserves. I just want this baby to be loved and well taken care of.
Any prayers that you can offer up for the well-being of Baby Bug would be much appreciated.
I'll let you know what is decided next week.
Labels: adoption #2, Baby Bug, foster children, fostering, Snuggle Bug
Not only are we going to pray for Baby Bug but we are also praying for you, Oronzo and of course Snuggle Bug. We will interceed for all of yours behalf.
May God continue to place his mighty hand over this situation!
You will all be in my prayers = I know how hard and heartbreaking it is to watch a little one go home.
Thinking of you, and praying for all involved! Baby Bug most of all!
Thanks for the update. I was beginning to worry about you! Sounds like the little one is doing well. Keeping you and this situation in my prayers.
My heart breaks for everyone! I have walked in your shoes before (or a similar pair). The emotions are almost unbearable. I will remember you and everyone involved in my prayers.
so glad everyone is doing well and had a happy holiday. What memories you will have of Christmas 2007 with that special baby in your home!
I so enjoy reading about your experiences with adoption and foster care. Honestly I don't know how you do it. Situations like this must be so heartbreaking.
But I thank God for people like you and your family that continue to go through heartbreak to do what you can to help God's most vulnerable.
I think it is so wonderful of you to take care of this baby. While it would be so wonderful if you could keep her, and it is natural to become attached to her and love her.
thank you for being a foster parent, I'm sure there is more need for loving foster parents also.
I so enjoy reading your updates. Your words alone "ooze" with love.
All of you are in my prayers. God is working!
I'm certainly praying for your family and for the health and safety of Baby Bug. I am planning on posting a Pay It Forward book exchange later this evening; where shall I link that up? We've missed you!
It has to be hard to know that the baby may be returning to her parents ... hugs. You are doing a very good thing for that entire family.
Wow, that does seem soon. We will be praying to be sure. I know some friends who had a baby for a year and she ended up with family (not her parents). They have three other adopted children and two birth children.
I will be praying and stay close to God during this season of your life.
Just stopping by to wish you all a Happy New Year. I'll definitely be keeping Baby Bug and all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care!
Thanks for your update, I have been praying for you and baby bug.
My thoughts and prayers go to you and the sweet baby. It takes a special person to be a foster parent. I didn't think I could do it so we did private adoptions with both of our children. You are doing a wonderful thing, kudos to you!
Okay, OW - I had no clue that this was going on! I am sorry I have been so remiss.
In my absence I have been praying for you - just didn't know what to be praying for!
I will continue to be praying - fervently!
Offering up prayers all around!
I cannot even imagine how hard this would be. Because you want to do the right thing, but you have also clearly grown to love her.
I'm saying a prayer for you and your family today.
Of course you're attached to Baby Bug and the thought of returning her to her parents has to be so sad, OW. But if this wakeup call was shocking enough to make them realize they had to get their lives in order, then it's all for a good reason.
I so admire you and Oronzo for what you've done for Baby Bug. You're both very strong.
You're all in my prayers, and I'm praying specifically for Baby Bug, that her parents turn their lives around and really realize what a blessed miracle this baby is.
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