Thursday, March 12, 2009
Court hearing for "John Doe"- *UPDATED*

Boo's father hasn't been in the picture since before she was born. Her birth mother named him on her birth certificate but it hasn't been possible to verify anything.
This morning the named father or "John Doe" will have the opportunity to have his day in court. My understanding is that this is the state's way of publicly notifying him that if he does not step forward, his rights will be severed. I'm not sure, but they may also be posting a public notice in the newspaper.
No one expects anything to happen at this court hearing. I've been told by CPS that it'll take a few mere minutes because it's highly unlikely that anyone will show up. I've even been told that I don't need to attend. I'm allowed to attend, but I don't need to.
Still, I will be there, just as I have for every other court hearing in Boo's case. If someone shows up, I want to be there when it happens. If no one does, then I will consider it time well spent to ease my mind.
I'll stop back later today and provide an update.
The birth father rights were severed today in court!!!! That hurdle is out of the way. No more worrying about "what if" her bio father appears out of nowhere after 2 years of silence! It's done, finished for him.
Labels: Boo, foster children, foster-to-adopt, fostering
And I will be praying for you.
Depending on the state you're in, yes, generally, you have it correct. The named father still has rights. Even if there's no father on the BC, a notice still has to be posted in a paper or, as there is in AZ, there is a birth father registry. If the named father doesn't step forward, or if the unnamed father either doesn't respond to the published notice or the registry, then the state usually automatically severs the rights.
Good luck today!
Thinking of you....hugs.
Keeping you all in my prayers. I pray it goes quickly and smoothly. Hugs!
How do you know he even saw the notice? Do they personally let him know this is going on?
They usually post an ad for 30 days in the paper,its unlikely he will show.Your case seems like so many,just drags on and on.Like ours.Allthough kiddo is free and clear,we can't get anyone to let us sign.And whats going on w/ birthmom?I hope they an sort this out before boo gets much older.
I never read the paper let alone tiny little ads.
Knowing his rights have now been taken away must be 1 less hassle for you all. Congratulations on one small step forward.
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