Saturday, January 24, 2009
Termination Trial date set!
Boo attempting to stand on her head.

Earlier this week, there was another court hearing for Boo's case.  The judge set dates for the termination trial, now scheduled for 1 full day and 2 half days in mid-March!  He doesn't suspect it'll take all 3 days but he scheduled them just the same.  Finally, we have a date set that will give us the answer we've been looking for for nearly a year now!

So, what this means is that all parties (Boo's bio mom's lawyer, Boo's lawyer, and the state Assistant Attorney General) will be allowed to call witnesses and present evidence to support their case as to whether or not the rights of the bio parents' rights should be permanently severed.  If the judge rules for severance, then Boo's bio mom would have 30 days to appeal that ruling.  If she does that, which we suspect she will, then we'll have to wait a minimum of 8 months for the appellate courts to review the case and make a final ruling.  If that final ruling is still severance, then we will be allowed to petition to adopt Boo!

Oronzo and I are cautiously optimistic that we will get to eventually adopt this precious little girl who has turned our world upside down!  If so, we're really hoping to be able to finalize an adoption before the end of this year.

Of course, your prayers would be very much appreciated!

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8:02 AM

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Carey said...

Praying for you and everyone in this situation.

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoping and praying with you!

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Wonderful news!!! I pray that her termination goes smoothly and mom decides to do what is best for Boo and NOT appeal. I know you guys are so excited!

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Ooohh! Many prayers. That is such a cute photo.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger heidi @ ggip said...

Very cute picture! I am glad and nervous about the scheduled date. I am glad because things are moving, but nervous for obvious reasons!

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Kathy's Korner said...

Is it a minimum or a maximum of 8 months? if 8 months is the minimum...won't it be pretty unlikely to have it all said and done by the end of this year.

8 months is just so dang long max or min!!!! And in a childs life its darn near forever!!!!

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Thanks for stopping by. Your photos are beautiful! Did you take them?

I am always interested in adoption stories; I'll catch up on yours on the sidebar.

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoping and Praying things work out for you guys!

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Ms. Kathleen said...

So many prayers going up for you and your family! You are her parents. I pray her bio mom does what is right for her. Prayers and Hugs!

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Tamara said...

Just catching up on your blog, and I am so excited to hear about the progress in Boo's case! What a wonderful turn of events to get this court date!!


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Adoption #2- Back to considering the State
Adoption #2- The Paperwork (Round 1)
Adoption #2- The Paperwork (Round 2)
Family Foster Home Licensing Prep Checklist
Adoption #2- Long overdue update
PS-MAPP class homework assignment
Our preliminary home inspection went well!
Adoption #2: Licensing update
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Adoption #2: I love it when things go my way!
Adoption #2- The home inspection
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Adoption #2- We passed the follow-up home inspection!
Adoption #2- Still waiting
Adoption #2- We're getting closer
Adoption #2- An update & a lead
Adoption #2- The lead that didn't pan out.
Adoption #2- We're licensed!
Adoption #2- We have a tiny baby here!
Adoption #2- Update on this precious little girl.
Adoption #2- Quick update on Baby Bug
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Adoption #2- Baby Bug is growing!
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Fostering: Update on Boo
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