Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Adoption #2- Another Placement Call!

On Monday we got a call from our agency letting us know about a 10 month old little girl who has been in foster care since birth. I'm not at liberty to get into the details of her case and I don't even have all the details yet but I will tell you that she has no visits with her parents and since she's nearing the 1 year mark of being in foster care, the state is starting to consider severing the rights of her parents, without taking the step of having a reunification plan and a concurrent adoption plan active at the same time. We're being told they'd want to move straight to adoption.
This baby girl is currently in a foster home where the couple caring for her has grown children and they're just fostering to help children in need. They have no desire to adopt and start another family. Since this baby's plan is changing to an adoption plan, CPS has decided it's time to move her to a foster-to-adopt home, such as ours.
Here's the interesting part, we're being told that CPS does not have time to have home studies submitted to the Foster Care Review Board for consideration of this baby girl (I'll be asking for more details on why that is from the CPS worker). Whichever family they transfer her to is the one who will have the chance to adopt her.
Our agency told us that we are their new favorite family and they immediately thought of us when they received the call. Now they could just be flattering us but I don't care. They called us, that's the important thing.
Oronzo and I asked a lot of questions, discussed it for all of about 5 minutes, and then told our agency we'd be interested in being considered for this 10 month old baby girl.
We'll be meeting with the CPS worker on Monday and if that meeting goes well, then plans to transition this baby girl into our home will begin.
IF we are the chosen family for this little girl and IF parental rights are severed and her plan is changed to an adoption plan, we'll have to have her in our home for at least 6 months before we'd be allowed to petition to adopt her. From there, it would take several months to secure a court date for an Adoption Finalization. So, an adoption of this baby girl wouldn't happen overnight, but at least the potential to adopt sounds very promising.
Can you believe it, we may have two babies (and our 3-year old) in our home soon! We're only licensed for up to two foster children at a time (that's all we felt we could realistically handle) so if we take in this 10 month old we won't receive any more placement calls, until Baby Bug is returned to her parents (they're still at 100% compliancy so it's probably going to happen in April).
Speaking of Baby Bug, she's doing fantastic and we adore her! She's almost sleeping through the night, she still likes to wake up for a 4:30 AM feeding. She's smiling, cooing, laughing out loud. She's starting to reach out for things and trying really hard to roll over. She's developmentally right on target. She's starting to outgrow her 0-3 month outfits so we'll have to move her into 3-6 month outfits soon. Thankfully we're prepared after the shopping spree that we went on last month.
Okay, that's all for now. I'll let you know how the meeting goes on Monday. I'd appreciate any prayers you might want to offer up.
Labels: adoption #2, Baby Bug, Boo, expanding our family, family, foster children, foster-to-adopt, fostering
How exciting! It does not surprise me that you are favoured at the agency. You are a loving couple that despite the fact that you will not have your dreams come true with baby bug you are still giving her your all. You could have stopped caring even just a little since she will never be truly yours, but you didn't. People want to see dreams come true for the ones that give it their all.
Sending positive vibes and I hope all your dreams come true,
How exciting! It does not surprise me that you are favoured at the agency. You are a loving couple that despite the fact that you will not have your dreams come true with baby bug you are still giving her your all. You could have stopped caring even just a little since she will never be truly yours, but you didn't. People want to see dreams come true for the ones that give it their all.
Sending positive vibes and I hope all your dreams come true,
That is wonderful! I hope, hope, hope it all works out!!
How exciting! I'm praying for you all!!
That is such terrific news, we will pray that the Lords will be carried out thru all of this. I am so pleased to hear that baby bugs parents are still compliant, what a blessing for them and their daughter! On a side note should they God forbide ever slide in the future will the state thing of you all first? Just wondering.
Sending prayers for this situation! Congratulations on this potential placement. I'm sure that this little girl will love being in your home, and I hope you all adjust well. You will have a very busy house for awhile!!
That is awesome! God is amazing! Makes all those crazy days of inspections and paperwork so worth it, huh? =)
Praying for you guys!
Sounds so exciting.
Praying all will go smoothly.
Good luck! I wish the best for you. You must be very excited and I hope it all works out for you.....Cindi
That sounds really exciting! I'm glad baby bug is still doing well too!
Wow! How exciting! I can't wait to hear(read) about it all.
How cool is that! What lucky little girls! And Big Bug will get to be a double big brother for awhile!
How exciting for you. I am so happy to hear they are calling. Prayers are definitely going up for you.
That is so wonderful about baby bug. I pray the parents stay on track for her, especially after she goes home.
God Bless!
I can't tell you how excited I am for you! What wonderful news and it just sounds all so promising! Will be keeping you all in my prayers that you'll be welcoming this new little girl into your family soon!
This all sounds very encouraging and I truly doubt they're just flattering you. You and Oronzo have proven yourselves to them. I'm very excited for you.
And what a great progress report on Baby Bug. It's such good news that her birth parents are staying right on target. I know you must have mixed feelings, but it's so good to know that if she does go back to them in April, it's because they genuinely wanted her back.
That is so exciting! Wow!! Keep us upated!
It sounds like good news on all fronts. I hope things work out just the way you want!
This sounds so exciting.
PS - I love all your pictures.
OH...MY..GOODNESS! I am just thrilled at the possibility and can't wait to read future updates. IF she is placed with you, the TPR is what is important. So even with the 6 month wait, after TPR, it's pretty much a done-deal. I'm praying that if she is to become your daughter, that the Lord open every door necessary! I'll be checking in...
Wow, that is really exciting! Foster parents are amazing people. I know it's not for everyone and I don't think I could do it but I really admire the people who do. Good job!
That is exciting news! My prayers are with you!
That is exciting news. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
How exciting! Am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes!
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