Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Adoption #2: We went on a shopping spree for Baby Bug!

We went to my two favorite stores, Old Navy and The Children's Place, where I knew they were having great sales. Sure enough, Old Navy had 75% off many of their clothes, including some baby clothes. The Children's Place had 50%-75% off!
Believe it or not, every piece in this bunch was $6 or less, many of them were $4.80-$5.50. That's less expensive than most Wal-Mart outfits, and these are much better quality!
Even Oronzo got into selecting cute outfits for Baby Bug and this is a man who normally hates shopping and cringes when I walk into my favorite children's clothing stores.
We bought Baby Bug 3-6 mos. and 6-9 mos. sized clothes, even though she still hasn't grown out of her 0-3 mos. clothes. If she gets to go home in early April, as we suspect, we want to be sure to send her home with lots of new clothes that she can grow in to, in an effort to help out her parents. They won't get a clothing allowance from the state like foster parents do.
In other news, we got approval to take Baby Bug with us on a trip to the Midwest to visit my side of the family for 5 days in February. Baby Bug's parents initially expressed concern about us taking her with us, fearing an accident might happen while we were away. Thankfully the baby's CPS worker went to bat for us, telling her parents, "Well, she can either go on vacation with them or she can be put into respite care with another foster family that she doesn't know. It's usually not good to put foster children into respite care."
Put that way, Baby Bug's parents decided they'd rather have her go with us on vacation than be shipped off to a "strange" family during the time that we were out of town. We were asked if we'd be willing to call Baby Bug's parents when we arrive at our destination, to set their minds at ease that she did well on her first plane ride, and then call again when we get back home to let them know she was safe and sound. If it helps set their minds at ease, we're willing to make those calls. Of course, we'll be calling from payphone both times because we are making a concentrated effort not to share our home address/emails/phone numbers, mainly for safety reasons.
So, all is well at the moment at our end. All that shopping has put me in a very good mood and there's more to come! :) We had to stop because Snuggle Bug was getting bored and hungry.
Labels: adoption #2, Baby Bug, foster children, fostering, shopping
That is an interesting interaction between you and the baby's parents. It is normal to have these fears as a parent, I guess.
Great clothes!!
You found some great deals. I loved shopping for little girls clothes. Now that my girls are older, its still fun, but its more challenging a they have become pickier.
Thats great that you get to take her with you.
Have a great day.
How fun! Aren't little girl clothes adorable? I love Children's Place and Old Navy too!
I love those two stores as well and hitting them when they have those sales on is great!
It must take a special kind of person to be a foster parent, I admire you for it. And it sounds like you are giving this baby just what she needs right now. I don't think I could do it. The attachment would be so difficult to break.
That sounds like fun. And I'm glad you get to take her on vacation. How fun. Take lots of pictures and enjoy her.
I love to shop for baby clothes. They have such adorable outfits these days. On a more serious note, I must commend you. It takes a very, very SPECIAL people to be foster parents, but especially to be foster parents to newborns. Watching that baby bug grow and change everyday because of your love and care has to tug on your heart strings constantly. God has certainly blessed that child with you and you with that baby so that they may have such a good start to their life. God Bless all of you and keep you safe on your vacation journey.
i love shopping for baby clothes, especially when you get a great deal!
What fun - you got some cute stuff, and good deals!
Oh, baby clothes shopping is SO much fun, especially when you have someone else's money to spend on them!
I love deals like that! I just bought some maternity clothes for a friend and I was able to spend only $35 and I got 2 pairs of pants and 5 shirts! I went to Kohl's
Now that I have a boy and a girl ... sigh shopping for baby girls was so much more fun. I can see why the parents would worry taking the baby on vacation. It is good that they care.
I admit I love shopping for girls, their clothes are so much more fun! It is also VERY considerate of you all to purchase things that will fit her in the future, if/when her parents do get back I am sure they will be just as appreciative.
Maybe the Lord is going to use your family and this experience with baby bug to shine light onto the Foster Parenting system. It far too often gets a negative wrap and yours may show others that not all of it is so negative.
Looks like you have great fun. I love shopping clothes for my kids, too (surprising?), especially at Old Navy.
And she is growing, so she needs those clothes!
Awww Baby Bug will be the best dressed Bug on the block ;-)
Those are 2 of my favorite stores also. I love me a good deal.
I'm glad she gets to go on vacation with you guys. To switch her around would be so unfair (to all involved)
I have not visited for a long time. How wonderful for the two of you to have this sweet life to bring you so much joy! I am so ecstatic for you!
My daughter loves Old Navy for clothes for our little Alexys. We don't have the other store you mentioned. JC Pennys has good sales here as well. You are so right, shopping for girls is so much fun. I already bought a few spring outfits for Alexys that were on sale! I was so surprised. I hope you have a great trip back "home". Someday we need to get together whenever I am in the same area visiting family.
Have a great day!
I just wish more people would realize that if you shop the sales at the better stores, you actually end up spending LESS money! Great job shopping and really, really cute clothes.
What a great deal on all those clothes! Don't you LOVE baby clothes?!
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