Sunday, December 02, 2007
Adoption #2- Quick update on Baby Bug

Baby Bug has been eating 2-4 oz. per feeding, although all day yesterday and last night she seemed to be in snacking mode...eating 2 oz. every 2 hours. I'm hopeful that she's gaining weight. If we have her still, next Thursday we'll take her in to our pediatrician for a follow-up appointment to find out.
She's really a mellow baby. She only cries when she's hungry. Other than that, she's content to sleep in her bassinet, on our chests, our in our arms (we like to hold her a lot).
Baby Bug has her periods of being fully awake where she's alert and curious. She's already begun turning her head towards us at the sound of our voices. And if Snuggle Bug gets near her, she turns to look at him too.
Now, for privacy's sake, I can't show you a picture of Baby Bug in all her cuteness, but I wanted to at least show you her beautiful dark hair! She's got so much of it that I was able to put in a tiny pink hairclip that I made her (sorry, you can't see that very well in the picture). I just love her thick, soft dark hair! I hope that whoever she ends up with lets it grow out long as she gets older.
We found out a bit of information from that Team Decision Meeting that I mentioned in my last update. According to the CPS investigator, the cousins that have stepped forward to say they'll take her, until it can be decided if her parents get her back, are the extended family members that adopted Baby Bug's other 2 siblings. I can't tell you how much better that makes me feel, to know that she's most likely going to be transferred to the extended family members that have her siblings! I'm almost certain this couple will be pass the background checks by the time Baby Bug's dependency hearing takes place (I should find out tomorrow when that date/time is).
We've been told that we can attend the dependency hearing and I have every intentions of going, if my work schedule allows. If I can't go, I want Oronzo to go. It'll be nice to hear what's going on first hand, rather than having to allow others to pass info on to us.
Since it's likely that Baby Bug's mother is going to be there, I thought I'd make a point to give her a packet of pictures of Baby Bug that I've taken while she's been here with us. I can only imagine how much she misses her sweet little girl.
Well, it's time to dress this little angel for church. Some friends of ours that have 2 daughters brought over some precious little girl clothes for us to borrow while we have Baby Bug. I just love baby girl clothes!
I'll try to post something tomorrow about when exactly the dependency hearing is and whether or not the cousins have passed their background checks yet.
Thanks again for all your support!
Labels: adoption #2, family, foster children, fostering
I'm surprised that the family doesn't have to do the training etc.
I'm in the process of adopting my 4 nieces and nephew and we had full training, licensing, complete homestudy, etc...
I've had them for a year. We've had to renew CPR, License, complete a more rigorous adoption homestudy and additional training as well as more fingerprints and background checks.
We were already becoming foster parents and had just completed the process when this happened and it turned out to be my relatives that were placed with me.
It's hard because the kids were placed in temporary foster homes because it was an interstate thing and they were separated and some of the foster parents would not allow my Hubs and I to talk to the kids and wouldn't even tell them we called.
We didn't have all the people or support regular foster parents would have had.
We were just left hanging with the assumption that we are family and we must be like their mother. When the fact was, I was estranged from their mother for just over a decade and I had made many CPS calls that were never taken seriously.
It's a hard spot to be in for all parties but having been trained to be a foster parent for strangers children and then taking on relatives, I noticed that fosters get more of the services and help they need. Relatives are left to flail and fend for themselves.
At least in the two states I'm dealing with.
Sorry to hijack your comments and when you are so busy and all. Usually I just lurk. lol But I was so surprised to read how easy relatives had it and how much support the child was getting from all the other agencies.
I still can't even begin to tell you how much I respect and applaud you for what you do. I would never be able to because I get so easily attached it would just break my heart to have to see her go :)
She's beautiful and I love the hair and the little clip.
Huge huge hugs to you,
So precious! I'm sure she has brought an extra measure of joy into your home. I pray that her forever family will give her as much love and attention as you are giving her now. I'm sure the LORD knew she needed you--for whatever amount of time she is there! Blessings on you!
I love love love babies...I respect what you do gal...
She's so precious, OW.
I dropped in to catch up with you - it's been a couple of weeks I think, since I was here. And my goodness, was I ever surprised to find out you have this beautiful Baby Bug in your home.
It sounds like such a difficult situation. I truly admire you for caring for this baby, knowing it's only temporary. I know it has to be hard for you, but that baby is so blessed there are people like you and Oronzo willing to do this.
Someday a very lucky child is going to become a permanent member of your family. I have no doubt at all about that.
Awww that little hair clip is sweet. She is very lucky to be spending time with your family.
I think it's wonderful how you are pouring so much of yourselves into her not knowing what the outcome will be. May God bless your family for what you are doing.
She is precious!
even with that little peek you can tell what a beautiful little girl she is! Love the little clip you made for her hair - too adorable! That does sound like some good news in that if she does go to the extended family she'll be with her siblings...and in the meantime I'm sure she's soaking up all the love from your family!
I'm so glad I took time to visit you tonight. I so appreciate your unselfish love for this little child who so needs it. Oh that we all loved more like that, caring, and giving more of ourselves, and expecting nothing for doing that.
I have no doubt that my daughter, Barb is right. God will send you
the baby girl you're hoping for.
She is a beauty. I love her hair. I too praise you for the wonderful thing you are doing for this child. May God bless you and your family always.
That's a great idea to give the mother some pictures. Did you start a life book for Baby Bug too? I don't blame you for holding her a lot, these days don't seem to last very long.
Love the hair, too.
What a doll! In SD any adoptive parents, family or otherwise have to go through training. They are treated any different except have priority of course but it is great that the baby will be with siblings, etc...
You are such a blessing to this little angel from Heaven.
I'm admiring that you are able to love them for a little while then let them go. A rare, big heart to be able to do that.
Wow. I know it is good she will be going to her sibs, but how hard it must be for you to give her love and yet know she will leave.
Awesome post. There is so much to say, but you already know all that, so I'll just say - God is so good!
I came here to let you know I have my January Pay it Forward up today. Baby Bug is so adorable! I have done Interim Care for infants too and I know how your heart goes out to them and how satisfying it is to be able to share the love... even if only for a few days or weeks. God Bless you all; especially Baby and her whole family.
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