Thursday, September 06, 2007
Adoption #2- We're getting closer!

I'm sure the agency released our paperwork just to get me out of their hair! I was pestering them with phone calls and emails at least once a week. I was going to resort to bribery (showing up with a plate of warm brownies) if it took much longer but this past Tuesday morning when I emailed the boss of our licensing agent to ask how much longer, she emailed me back rather quickly to tell me they'd just sent out our application packet that morning.
So now, we have to wait 3-5 weeks for the state to approve our application and formally license us. I'm just going to expect the worst (that it'll take the full 5 weeks, maybe even a week longer) and hope for the best (that it'll only take 3 weeks).
I feel better now knowing that it's totally out of our hands. I could pester the agency to prod them along, but I really can't pester the state.
So, in 5 weeks or so (God willing) we will be eligible to receive placement calls for emergency receiving situations. Once we get our required 240 hours of strict foster care, then we can receive foster-to-adopt placement calls as well!
Keep us in your prayers if you don't mind. This has been a long haul already (we started this process back in April, after months of contemplation, prayer, and research). We're ready to expand our family! I can't wait to see Snuggle Bug in the role of a big brother! He's going to be great!
One last note, isn't the image I'm using in the post adorable? I saw it first on Donetta's blog and then found it on the CWO Scripture Tags. They have a lot of other cute ones there, go check it out!
Labels: adoption, adoption #2, adoption paperwork, expanding our family, family, foster-to-adopt, fostering
Oh! That is wonderful! HOORAY!
These days may seem to go by slowly but they will be a flash in time one day. Keep a good eye for placements that match your dynamic. It is O.K. to say no if it is not a good match. Spend this time practicing that word.
My name is spelled Donetta, I am not offended just thought to correct it. I am so happy for you that this phase is in process. I may come sooner than you think.
You are in my prayers!!
Oops, sorry about the typo, Donetta. I've corrected my mispelling of your name. :)
Joyful Days- thanks so much for your prayers!
Congratulations! You're getting closer and closer. Before you know it, you'll have more little feet running around your house.
Glad to hear things are moving along. I'm sure it feels like snail's pace, but at least it's steps forward. :-)
Great news!! Let's pray for the 3 weeks!
WooHoo! I am so excited for you and your family! I bet it feels like it has been taking forever, but when you actually have a child in your home this moment will only be a blink in your eye! Hang in there, and I can't wait to hear more of your journey.
That button is adorable! I love the angle the picture was taken in!
Praise the Lord! We will pray it will be sooner rather than later! If your state is like ours your 240 hours will come and go quickly.
Congrats on being one step closer. That's great!
Keeping you my prayers. Im so excited to hear that you are one step close. Thats awesome. I hope the next few weeks fly by for you.
I'm excited for you. Both of my sisters have adopted; one adopted twice, the other, once. So I know what the waiting is like. Hoping everything goes smoothly and fast!
SO excited and praying :) Keep us posted.
Maybe we will have a great reason to come down that way in a not-so-distant future :)
I'm the same - weekly pestering is probably okay with them. But I'm sure it gets insane if it's more than that per week.
Oh wow! Isn't that fantastic news! Yes indeedy it is! I am so happy for you and I pray it will take 2 weeks! God Bless!!
How exciting! Lot of prayers coming your way!
Oh I'm so happy to hear that it is finally at the state level! About time! Crossing my fingers that it'll only take 3 wks for the approval and you will be well on your way to having another little one in the house!
That is so exciting. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!
This is very encouraging news, OW. I so hope the process is quicker than you're expecting but I'd probably do what you're doing, too. Expect the worst. But even if takes the maximum time, it's so worth it.
CWO has got the most adorable icons on their site. I like the one in my sidebar, but I tell you, it's a constant temptation to change it up!
in my prayers and have a safe trip to Vegas
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