Saturday, July 07, 2007
Adoption #2: Licensing update
I haven't updated in a while how we're doing with our process of getting licensed for foster-to-adopt through the state, so here goes.
Thursday evening we attended the 9th of the 10 required MAPP classes. Although you think we'd be done with one more training class, you'd think wrong.
One of the things that has frustrated us about this training is that they seem to keep adding classes! We have to attend an extra "Nuts and Bolts" class next Wednesday evening and then our 10th MAPP class.
There's more. Since we have a pool, we both have to attend a CPR and a First Aid class (7/17 & 7/23) as well. We know these classes are important and we really don't have a problem taking them, we just wish we'd known upfront exactly what classes were expected of us!
So, when all is said and done, we will have attended 13 separate nights of classes! That's a lot of classes, especially considering we didn't have to take a single class to adopt Snuggle Bug. This process is so very different from adopting privately. We'll be glad when all these classes are done!
We're still waiting to have our official home inspection done by a state inspector. We did get a packet of info from the state that put into laymen's terms exactly what they're looking for, so that was nice. Better yet, they've given us a phone number to call to schedule an appointment if we haven't heard from anyone yet. You can bet I'll be calling them on Monday!
One unexpected thing that we learned during our class last week is that anyone we ask to babysit our foster child has to be fingerprinted before they can do so! I understand that they want the children to be safe, but this seems just a bit over-the-top to me. I sure hope our family members and close friends don't mind us asking them to take the time to go get fingerprinted if we need them to babysit for us! I'm not sure how one goes about delicately making that request.
Well, that's all for now. Check back on Monday if you're interested in participating in my very first Pay It Forward book exchange! I have another good book to give away! Thanks to all of you who seem to be in support of my idea! I can't wait to see how it goes.
Thursday evening we attended the 9th of the 10 required MAPP classes. Although you think we'd be done with one more training class, you'd think wrong.
One of the things that has frustrated us about this training is that they seem to keep adding classes! We have to attend an extra "Nuts and Bolts" class next Wednesday evening and then our 10th MAPP class.
There's more. Since we have a pool, we both have to attend a CPR and a First Aid class (7/17 & 7/23) as well. We know these classes are important and we really don't have a problem taking them, we just wish we'd known upfront exactly what classes were expected of us!
So, when all is said and done, we will have attended 13 separate nights of classes! That's a lot of classes, especially considering we didn't have to take a single class to adopt Snuggle Bug. This process is so very different from adopting privately. We'll be glad when all these classes are done!
We're still waiting to have our official home inspection done by a state inspector. We did get a packet of info from the state that put into laymen's terms exactly what they're looking for, so that was nice. Better yet, they've given us a phone number to call to schedule an appointment if we haven't heard from anyone yet. You can bet I'll be calling them on Monday!
One unexpected thing that we learned during our class last week is that anyone we ask to babysit our foster child has to be fingerprinted before they can do so! I understand that they want the children to be safe, but this seems just a bit over-the-top to me. I sure hope our family members and close friends don't mind us asking them to take the time to go get fingerprinted if we need them to babysit for us! I'm not sure how one goes about delicately making that request.

Labels: adoption #2, adoption paperwork, foster-to-adopt, fostering, home inspection, Homestudy
Wow, thats a lot of classes. Hang in there, you are almost done. Fingerprinting everyone, huh? Good luck with that one, I would start telling people now, so they are prewarned. Cute picture, looks like they are enjoying it.
Have a great weekend.
I know the hoops you have to jump through see endless, but we both know how worth it it all is in the end.
Adorable picture.
the fingerprinting does seem a bit over the top! What happens if it's an emergency and you need a babysitter right now and don't have time to get them fingerprinted? Geesh!
The pic of all the kiddos is cute!
This is a big process. Just do all you can to keep on top of everything. They are looking to weed out the wimps. That is a part of the process. A lot of the things your going through is not always as it appears. Trust the process, it is a long one. They have to do this because few are as conscience as you might be. Some do it for the $$$. Others have to learn allot. All of us need to learn CPR. Hang in there. My kids were worth every effort even the most seemingly silly ones, there was a reason for them you'll get to see that at the end of the process.
Great picture, all boys? LOL. Seems like that happens, every one has all boys or all girls.
Mmmmmmm cheesecake what else is there to say?
Wow that is a long process. I so admire you. Love the picture. They are so cute.
If you'd like to join in on 'A Day In The Life Of "Your Child/Pet"', then head on over to my blog This is how it will work. I will start on Monday, by the end of Monday I will post my "A Day In The Life Of 'My Child/Pets Name.'" Once I have posted my story I will (I guess tag you can call it) 5 people to do the same and will post the 5 peoples blogs I have tagged in the same post. Add the 5 people you have tagged in your blog and beneath add the person who tagged you. If you'd like to participate, please leave me a message on my blog with your blog address. You can also advertise it on your blog and if you know someone who would like to participate in something like this, pass the word around. You don't have to be on the list to participate, the list is just a guidline of who will be interested in it. Hope we can have fun reading the stories and seeing cute pictures. Have a Lovely Day. Thanks Claudelle
What a lot of hoops to jump through! I just know you will come through it well. You seem so organized and focused on the end result!
I can't get the Pay It Forward link to work. I'm assuming, from the name, that the object is to keep the book giving going once you start it with your book giveaway--or something similiar to that. I think it is great. Count me in when you start!
Wow, a lot of classes for sure! Yea, I do think they set it up that way to weed out the folks who are not a good fit for fostering.
Fingerprinting all babysitters? Does that mean all full-time day care, perhaps? I used to babysit occasionally for friends who foster, and no one ever said anything about fingerprinting me!
Oh my, that is A LOT of classes! I do agree with you, they should have been more up front about everything. *Sigh* Live and learn, I guess!
I'm at the same stage as you are. Hang in there! I am. One of piece of my paperwork requested a drawing of the layout of our home - inside and out. I called her and asked if I can just print what was online (since my home is a bit new), and she started laughing saying, "That's fine. We just want to put you through a little torture!" That made me feel more relaxed. So I'm taking this as more of an "endurance" process more than anything. My husband and I know we are very willing and able to adopt a child, we just need to prove that to them. I'll be hanging in there with you!!!
Noelle, we had to draw up a floor plan and include an evacuation plan to put in our file and to have posted in a visible spot in our house. I actually had fun with that one.
By the way, do you have an email or a blog that I can contact you at?
Oh! The fingerprinting thing and criminal background checks for babysitters WAS incredibly over-the-top. For us, eventually we learned to only use other foster parents as baby sitters (even for short-term respite). But then again, when we took Cookie to FL in December (after TPR but 3 months before the adoption) no one blinked when we said my parents would watch her so DH and I could have "date night". I guess we saw things change after TPR and it was clear to all workers she was going to be ours. But we found the foster parent association a great place to meet others and swap babysitting services. Eventually, you can end up just trading off so you never have to pay for babysitting (if you can find the "ideal"). But YEAH - way, way over the top.
My husband and I adopted a baby from China. Even though we already had a (then) 8 year old, we still had to take classes. It kinda seems unfair that ALL parents-to-be don't have to take some kind of a class, whether their child be adopted or biological.
As for the fingerprinting, it's not really a big deal. We were printed twice during our adoption process (the first set expired). My niece is going the foster-to-adopt route, and she asked me if I would be a sitter. I went to the sheriff's office, and it took less than 5 minutes. Plus, they use a computer now, so your hands don't get all yucky!
Hi Overwhelmed,
I did not have to have my mother or mother-in-law fingerprinted to babysit. I have three foster-to-adopt girls and their caseworker just asked for their ss# number and legal name. She did a background check and that was it. I don't know what is worse, giving your ss# or getting fingerprinted.
Good luck with everything.
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