Monday, October 08, 2007
Adoption #2- An Update and a Lead!

If you remember, our application was finally sent on 4 September from the agency to the state for approval. We were told that it would take anywhere from 3-5 weeks of waiting. It's been a little over 4 weeks now and we're still waiting!
We've been told by the agency that they know the state has received our application and it's been assigned to someone because a lady called them asking for clarification on part of the paperwork. So, we at least know that our application isn't floating around in la-la land. It's on someone's desk. We just don't know how long it'll be there.
Ironically, we may have a lead for a private adoption!
This past Saturday I was out walking with Snuggle Bug and we stopped to chat with a neighbor that was out with her two teenage boys (Snuggle Bug loves playing basket ball with these older boys and they're so nice to him).
As the boys were playing and Sherry and I were chatting, I thought it'd be good to tell her of our efforts to adopt through the state, so she wouldn't be surprised if we suddenly had a baby, out of the blue.
When I told her she said, "I didn't know you were looking to adopt again! You should've told me! I know a young girl that's pregnant and probably looking to place her baby!"
Sherry went on to explain that a family friend of theirs, an 18 year old girl, is pregnant with a boy and is due to have the baby in December. She is living with her grandmother and feels that she isn't prepared to raise a baby and is talking about placing the baby for adoption but isn't thrilled about going through an agency.
Sherry asked if I wanted her to talk to their friend and see if she is interested in talking with us. I told her we'd absolutely be interested. I told her we'd be happy to call her or even meet with her in person, whichever she feels most comfortable with. Sherry's going to talk to her soon and get back to us.
I have no idea if anything will come of this lead but if something does, we'd go for it! And more than likely, we'd continue on our course with the state as well (we've gone through too much to just drop it all) and try to adopt a little girl as well. I've always said I'd be okay with three children and Oronzo feels the same way.
Please keep us in your prayers and I'll keep you posted. Thanks!
Labels: adoption, adoption #2, foster-to-adopt, fostering
Thanks for the update! And what a great lead - I hope it works out for you. We just started the process ourselves, so I especially enjoy hearing how it's going with you.
That is awesome that your paperwork is moving forward and I am praying for you about the lead... I pray for favor for you.
God Bless!
I was wondering how things were going. This is exciting. I'll be praying for you.
How exciting!
I have several friends who have gone through the adoption process--and two are also waiting for their second abies now. We know another couple who adopted embryos and are awaiting a multiple birth. Talk about instant family!
I admire those of you who walk this journey. I know it takes a great deal of faith and patience. My prayers are with you as you continue to wait.
Wow! That is so exciting. I hope that things work out for your family. I can't wait to hear more!
That is a great update. We'll be interested to see what comes of this lead.
I'd been meaning to ask if you had any updates and now you post one! You never know when something is going to pop up!
Oh wow, how exciting! I will be praying that family expands in the very near future!
I'll be praying for you all. How exciting that you may have found a baby!!
Praying for open doors and the new baby that is already in your heart.
How exciting! Keep us posted! :)
Oh oh oh! How exciting! Sorry it is taking so long for the state review, but yeah, at least you know someone has it and is doing something with it...hopefully that won't be too much longer either.
and very exciting about this potential lead! I will keep my fingers crossed that this young lady will want to meet with you and I know she'll just be so taken with you guys and your love for Snuggle Bug...many prayers coming your way that this pans out!
Well this is exciting news. Keep us posted for sure.
good luck!
i wish private adoptions were as easy and common-place in the uk as they ate in the US
mrs b
Awesome!! Keep us posted...I'll be praying. Isn't God amazing?!
How exciting! We'll keep praying over here!
It's very encouraging to know someone is looking at your application and things are moving foreward, OW. This has been such a long process for you.
It's even more encouraging that you have a lead like this for a private adoption.
You never know when God is going to just drop a miracle in your lap. Happens all the time and I'm praying it happens for you.
Im praying that this lead will turn into something positive for everyone. Thats such wonderful news.
This is so exciting! I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Totally sending positive vibes your way.
Exciting news! I love reading your adoption posts. I know the long waits, paperwork, and rules are excruciating for you, but it's nice for me to be able to read all about it and get an idea of how things work. Someday we want to adopt, and at least now I'll know a little bit about what we're looking at.
How exciting! Will keep you in prayer.
I am praying for you! What an unexpected blessing this could be!
That is so awesome! Praying the Lord's will is done in all these situations!
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