Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Adoption #2- We have a tiny baby here!

I'll tell you what I can about this most recent call.
There's a little girl, just 2 weeks old, who is about to be removed from her mother's home (unless the mother flees before they can get to her as she has in the past) because her mother has a on-going drug problem. The baby tested negative for drugs at birth but the mom is still using. Apparently this mother has had her parental rights terminated for 2 other children for the same reason. The baby will start out as an emergency receiving placement but may move in to a foster-to-adopt placement. It's too soon to tell.
I've been told that a CPS worker is on her way to remove this baby girl from her home. The CPS worker has to have the police meet her there. It may take a couple of hours for it to happen.
The CPS worker will call us on her way to our house. The baby could arrive at our house by 1:00 AM or so!
Once she arrives, we have to call and leave a message for our Foster Care Specialist, letting her know the time the baby arrived. Then our Foster Care Specialist will arrange to come to our house for a visit within 72 hours.
So, now we wait to get a call from the CPS worker to see if this baby girl is coming to our home tonight. It depends on what the CPS worker finds when she arrives at the last known residence for the baby's mother.
I'll keep you all posted!
Edited to add:
We have a tiny baby in our house as of 1:30 AM! She's so precious. Although she's a day shy of 3 weeks old, she's a bit small, weighing about 6 lbs., 8 oz. We're going to try to get her in to the pediatrician later this morning. The CPS worker that delivered her to our home is worried that she's a "failure to thrive" baby and wants a doctor to look her over!
Snuggle Bug woke up with the commotion and came out of his room to see what was up. I introduced him to the baby and he asked, "Where baby mama go?" I explained that the baby's mommy and daddy couldn't care for her right now so we would be taking care of her for a while. He wanted to touch her feet and put her blanket on her.
I managed to get Snuggle Bug back to bed, promising him he could see the baby again later this morning. Oronzo's cuddling with the baby right now. We're not sure how long we'll have her, but we'll take good care of her while we do.
I think it's going to be hard for me to sleep but I probably should try!
More later!
Labels: adoption, adoption #2, Baby Bug, foster children, fostering, placement call
Good luck!
Im so excited for you!
I will be praying for you all.
Praying for all of you! how exciting.
So wonderful to hear of your kindness and generosity.
You are so amazing to open your home and your hearts like this!
Congratulations! Very exciting news!
I hope it all works out for you. A little Christmas gift :)
Wonderful - I know you are all so excited and I hope this works out for the best! Enjoy your time with this little one!
How exciting! Hope everything works out - I'll be praying for you and baby.
Oh...oh...oh! I am just so excited and thrilled for you. I'll be praying that your time with this little one is blessed.
How blessed she is to have someone so loving, with open hearts and arms to care for her. God bless you!
How wonderful to read this on this crisp November morning. I'm so happy there are people like you in the world, who open their doors to children who need a loving home. She sounds absolutely precious, and I hope she will be with you a very long time.
I check in frequently, and today I was delighted with your good news! I am so thank full that little girl is someplace where she can be safe and loved. What adorable thing are you going to call her for your blog?
Monique in TX
Oh it's so wonderful to hear that another child is safe and secure and loved. I wish you all the best and lots of joy (no doubt!) in your new baby girl. What a wonderful holiday gift!
This is so exciting!! I'm so happy for you guys! Be sure to update us after she goes to the doctor!
I know that with love, care, food, some medical assistance, and nurturing that she will thrive beautifully. Good luck with her. I know it's hard to love while keeping part of your heart safe.
Oh, I'm so happy that you have that little girl to love on and nuture. She's blessed to have YOU, too. Enjoy her!
Oh I'm so happy for you and you have no idea how much I respect and look up to you for what you're doing, you're such an amazing woman :)
What wonderful news. I'll be praying for your family and for this little girl!
Wow! Congratulations. I hope this little baby grows quickly and is healthy and everything. That is so cute how Snuggle Bug reacted to her.
guess we won't be seeing too much of you in the near future!
Awwww...an little new angel to care for. I pray for you for strength. God Bless! Hugs to you! Merry Christmas!
Good luck to all of you! I too understand trying to care for and love, while keeping your heart safe (not possible, I know). Hoping the doctor's visit goes well and with proper nourishment and 'round the clock lovin' she will thrive.
Thinking of you,
What a lcuky little one, she is in good hands for however long it might be.
What wonderful news. God bless all of you.
OMG Girl! How exciting! I am so happy for you right now. I would love to have a little in my home again. My cousin and his wife fostered under a similar situation only their little one tested positive and came to their home right from the hospital. Today she is beautiful and smart and perfect and the light of their lives. She will be 4, 3 days before Christmas. Talk about a Christmas miracle. My prayers are with you all that everything is as it should be and that the baby is "easy" (oh, my two were so not!). Hugs and blessings!
She is such a lucky little girl. Please keep us updated. My prayers are with you and your family!
Oh-I'm so happy for you! If birthmom has lost two already, the chances she will have the baby returned are very, very slim. I hope you get to adopt her!
Momma-adoptive momma of three drug exposed Lambies from foster care.
How exciting! I know you will enjoy her. Hopefully it may turn into an adoptive placement...sending prayers your way!
Awww.. your going to make me cry. I keep thinking about when I brought Connor home. Give her lots of kisses and enjoy her regardless of the outcome. Though I will keep my fingers and toes crosses that you get to keep her!
Let us know what the doctor says too.
How sad that the baby's mother doesn't realize the gift that she's been given. I know you will take good care of her and yes, you should get a little sleep.
Please keep us updated on the baby's condition. I will keep her and your family in my prayers.
I can "hear" your excitement in your words! What a precious time for your family. I will be praying for all of you as you work through this. blessings on all of you.
wow. how exciting. baby's are such a miracle...too bad that poor mother doesn't realize it. maybe she'll be able to get her act together. in the mean time, how blessed is this child to have someone like you to love her!
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