Monday, February 25, 2008
Adoption #2- A Birthday Party for Boo

We started this weekend by throwing Boo a 1st birthday party. We took lots of pictures as she mashed her face and fingers into her birthday cake and smeared frosting all over her cheeks, nose, and in her hair. It did my heart good to see her enjoyment over this birthday cake. She was a bit confused by the #1 candle and our group of family/friends that sang her Happy Birthday and she had no idea what to do with her wrapped presents, but she loved that cake!
I had attached a picture of Boo playing with her birthday toys because I couldn't resist showing you how cute she is but now it's been removed. If you really want to see it, leave me a comment and I'll email it to you. If you saw the picture, you might have noticed that she had help opening her presents. Snuggle Bug had more fun with that part than she did.
Speaking of Snuggle Bug, the poor little guy is having a tougher time adjusting to Boo's presence in our home than he did with Baby Bug's addition. Now he has a little one who's mobile and curious and who likes to come play with whatever he's playing with. We can't help but smile when he says, "No honey, not nice!" as she attempts to grab things from him. He's also said, "MY mommy!" a couple of times when she's attempted to come share my lap. This weekend was also rough with potty training efforts. Snuggle Bug has been doing so well with that (except for #2, we're still working on that) but this weekend there were a lot of accidents. I'm sure it was in large part due to the changes our family is going through.
We're doing our best to reassure Snuggle Bug of his place in our family by carving out special one-on-one time with him. Oronzo took him for a nice long bike ride this past weekend while I watched the girls at home. Snuggle Bug gets my undivided attention at bedtime as we read lots of books, sing songs, say prayers, and get ready for bed. And we're obliging him when he asks to sit in our laps and be cuddled more frequently than usual and giving him lots of hugs and kisses.
Thankfully, we've seen more than just jealousy from Snuggle Bug. We've been pleased as we've watched moments where he'll share with Boo without prompting and he'll display affection towards her and play with her.
I think over time things will be all right if we get to keep Boo. It's just going to be an adjustment. Boo's next court appointment is April 8th. That's when we'll find out whether or not the judge will grant severance.
Labels: adoption #2, Boo, expanding our family, family, foster children, foster-to-adopt, fostering, Snuggle Bug
I am sure that has to be really hard for him! I know that my nephew (5) had a really hard time with his little brother being born. It was like he thought he was being replaced. Once he had time to adjust, he did really well. I will be praying for that adjustment for Snuggle Bug!
Boo is a doll! Look at all that hair!
It does have to be a hard adjustment for little Snuggle Bug. I am sure over time things will get better.
Good luck with the hearing! Lots of prayers going out to you and your family.
She looks so much older than one with the hair, the dress, and the look of concentration on her face! What a little cutie.
I agree she looks so much older with all that hair! Our babies are bald until they are 18 months then they get fuzz! She is breathtaking.
We are praying for Snuggle Bug during his ups and downs.
Keep up the great spirit, you guys are doing great!
She's beautiful! I've read all your recent posts and maybe this will make you feel at least a little better about the lack of photos. I have exactly one baby photo of myself. My parents were so young and so poor, I suspect they didn't even own a camera when I was a baby. I treasure that photo but of course I wish there were more. My parents went years without taking photos.
You do get over it.
And Snuggle Bug will adjust. I have the same concerns about Cameron, who will be getting a new baby sister one week from today, but I'm convinced he'll see very quickly that he still has a very special place in all our hearts and a new sister won't change that.
Snuggle bug has experienced a lot of change the last few months. Give him time. It must be hard not knowing if Boo is staying or going.
She is precious!
The 8th is a good day (also my birthday) so I will be sure send you some positive vibes that day :)
Oh my- she is beautiful! What a sweet little face ! You sure look like you're reveling in the girliness ...
Snuggle will adjust. Normally he'd have time to adjust as she grows, but even then it's hard. I remember those days :)
Praying for good things in April. And, we may be in town the end of March- maybe we can meet up for a few minutes :)
What a cutie pie!
She is adorable. I think it's great that you had a birthday party for her. The photos begin NOW!
She is adorable!
Snuggle bug will adjust - just give him time and lots of love and attention too! Maybe he can have special time just with youduring her nap or bath time...
Oh, she's cute! I'm glad you had such a fun party. Before you know it, all 3 kids will be acting like the siblings they are! =)
She is adorable! I imagine that there will be adjustment issues for all. Looked like a fun party for her though.
She is just precious! What an adorable girl and Snuggle Bug sounds like he is acting very normal. With any new baby the older ones have to adjust. I pray all goes your way in April. This little one deserves and Mommy, Daddy and big brother to love and cherish her.
I continue to pray! God Bless!!
Wow, that's a lot of adjusting for one little guy. Good luck!
She is just adorable! First birthdays are so fun! I will be praying for your situation!
What a cutie!!! You have her dressed so nice. I hope that she will get to stay with your family, it sounds like she could really do well with a stable home. - what a doll she is! Wow - you are right - she looks so much like Boo from the movie! :) Snuggle Bug's adjustment sounds very positive - we had the same with Cookie when Bit-Bit arrived. My guess is it won't be but a couple of months before most all of the jealously is gone and what's left will be typical brother-sister stuff. I'm so glad I got on here in time to see her beautiful little face. How sweet! I'm so grateful you got to have her birthday with her - that is so, so special. And now you have tons of pictures!!
Happy Birthday to Boo.
She is so cute and a very lucky little girl to have you all taking real good care of her.
Snuggle bug will be a wonderful big brother you have taught him well and it will show now with Boo.
It is so great that you are creating "special" time for both. Thank you for reading my post at BloggedIn today! So glad you liked it. You are welcome at my blog anytime!
Sounds about right for how a little person goes about welcoming a new sibling...
Sounds like it was a great birthday party! So glad things are working out so well for you all. Have a wonderful week!
Wow, girl you have had a lot going on. I've been out of the loop for a while and just checked back in to see how things were going. I'm so excited you have Boo. I would love to see the picture if you have time to email it to me.
Awww man I missed the picture :-( I would love to see it bjmkcollins(at)hotmail(dot)com
Cake has to be the best part of a 1st b-day party.
Crossing fingers that April 8 comes quick and all works well.
I just wanted to drop a note letting you know that while I don't think I've ever commented I am a faithful reader since finding your blog.
Having been in Boo's shoes myself, I can say there are two sides to not having baby photos: it's hard in school when you do a life time line and family tree, but it's great to not also have those (gasp with me please) "dreaded" and "embarassing" photos. :)
God is doing incredible things in your life and I've enjoyed reading every minute of it!
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