Saturday, July 29, 2006
Hooray for 100! (100 posts, that is)

Wow! This is my 100th post! Can you believe it?! I haven't even been blogging all that long, since April 7th of 2006 to be exact! Blogging is so important to me because it allows me to keep my creative juices flowing, it gives me a release to process difficult events going on in my life, and it permits me to meet lots of great people that I wouldn't otherwise know!
I'm curious to see how many of you have hit 100 posts and I'm interested in seeing what your 100th post was about, so I'd like to institute a little link exchange here.
Here's how I'd like to see this work:
1. Go find your 100th post (if you haven't posted 100 yet, wait until you do & come back to this).
2. Copy the exact link for that 100th post (in Blogger, you just click on the time of that post and it will pop up the unique page for that post).
3. Come back and past that post link into my Mr. Linky list so that I (and others) can stop by and see what you posted about.
4. Leave me a comment sharing with me why blogging is important to you (it must be important if you've made it to 100 posts or more).
It's that simple! I hope you'll all participate and please spread the word to get others to participate! I'd be tickled pink if I could get at least 100 people to link on this post!
I'll leave this up for a day or so, and then I'll try to post a link to this on my sidebar, for easy access in the future.
My 100th post was about some of my favorite garden plants. The link is:
I started my blog intending to write all about what I was reading, but of course I write about other stuff too like my garden and my kids. I hope others are interested in those posts as much as the book ones... I wanted to have a record of all the books I am reading because my memory is so poor. Now I want to remember everything else the same way so that's the blend.. :)
Sounds like fun, OW. I'm at 88 so it's looming in my near future. I'll come back to your link.
Congrats on your 100th post! I love all the wonderful friends I've made through blogging. It's something new to see and learn each day! The difficult part is not spending all my time on the computer, so that I still have time to do things to blog about :-)
that was fun!!! I'm getting ready to reach my 100,000th hit-- that is hard for me to believe..
Congrats on your 100th post. You sure got there in good time. :-)
My 100th post is about Downtown Denver and the "interesting" folks and goings-on that you can run into there. (Specifically a homeless lady who noticed I was pregnant at the time and offered her services as a babysitter back in February 2005. Hmmm...)
I started blogging to keep our family updated (they all live in other states). It has since become a way for me to journal things too.
I'm confused about where to post the
I bought the computer in 2004 and started commenting on Blogging Baby soon after that. Several of the commenters and contributors told me to "get a blog".
One of them set it up for me; I didn't have a clue. I've been blogging ever since.
I had been feeling quite isolated after I retired and moved here.
The computer and the blogs have been a lifeline.
Congratulations OW!!!! Loved the pics of Michelle, Kayla and you!!! They were great! Glad you had such a good time!!!!
Congrats on the 100th! What a milestone :)
This is such a neat idea ...I'll be participating!
But first a silly there somewhere in blogger that shows you what # post you're on? Or do I have to start counting them one by one?
cmhl sent me...and I had fun digging up my 100th post!
Blogging is important to me because I need the creative outlet. I've also made some great friends via the blogosphere.
I did it! My 100th post was just yesterday. How cool is that!?
I'm a fairly newbie blogger too. It's important to me b/c it's a journal of sorts, a way to chronicle the happenings in our lives and the milestones of the kids for our future reference. And it's an outlet for me and an opportunity to do what I like best... CHIT CHAT! :-)
Congratulations on your 100th post!
Congratulations! I have been blogging a month longer than you and I am SOOO far behind. I guess I need to start doing some catching up. :)
Congratulations on your 100 posts!
I am not that far yet on my new site. :-)
Will send you the link to Mnchkin's site if you like. (Am trying to keep the two as seperate as possible. Nobody "IRL" knows about my own site, but they know hers)
CMHL sent me over. That's only the 100th post since I switched to blogger, actually, because I've just had my fourth blogging anniversary! I have a hard time believing it, but there you go.
Uh. I used to write a lot of letters. From time to time I'd get so busy that I wouldn't have time to write, and then of course everyone would need to know why I'd been so busy, so occasionally I would write a biglong letter, ditto-copy it, and send it to everyone. The blog was basically an extension of that, an open letter to friends and family, especially since I live in Germany now and postage is so hideously expensive.
Also, I need a chronicle, because I have the severest case of Mommy Memory I've ever seen, and if I don't write down all their darlingness in one place, it'll be lost to history.
I read your post and out of curiosity, went and counted mine. Turns out that I wrote my 100th post last Tuesday. WELL. That was fast!
Congratulations on your 100th post! That's a neat milestone.
Did you want the 100th post links in the automatic box? that's where I put mine.
What do I like about blogging? The words and the comments (both ones left for me and ones I leave). I love words, and I love the chance to write them--especially some of my posts which turn more essayistic. And I love writing about parenting. And I love reading blogs, looking at the way other people use words for so many different purposes, and the way communities build around different blogs. And the way communities are so fluid, bringing together people who might not have met in person b/c they belong to different demographic groups.
Here is my link to my one hundredth post.
My 1ooth post is a picture of a food/craft my boys and I made one weekend.
Why I blog. Well, easy, I have lots of thoughts running through my head, and I love the thought of a journal, however, I don't like "hand" writing things. I love to just type away. I really love the people I've met through blogging.
Thanks, overwhelmed, for you 1ooth post idea. I love meeting new bloggers.
Oh, I got a long ways to go yet. But will link when I hit it!
My 100th post talks about one of the great reasons I blog... it makes me look nice and smell pretty.
My 100th post was almost 4 years ago, so long that it's on a separate site I made for my archives:
I've lost count of how many times I've quit blogging, swearing to myself that I'd never do it again. And here I am, over 700 posts and counting.
Blogging keeps me engaged. It stokes the creative fires and keeps my brain working. On days when I get little else done, if I was able to post something on my blog it always make me feel productive.
I'm dangerously close to my 200th post and I sometimes feel like a sitcom that has run it's course....yet I continue because I started this blog as an outlet to write to vent to 'preach' to stand on my soapbox, to sing, to get input and feedback and to grow! I think I'm getting all that accomplished and more and I've met some beautiful people on this part of my journey.
I have actually made it over 200 blogs! I couldnt believe it when I went back to count (msn doesnt count them for you! damn them). It wasnt the best blog, but it was a cute one about my puppy, Ollie.
Blogging is important to me because it is an outlet for many things for me. The main being the placing my daughter for adoption and the secondary being my love for dogs.
My 100th post was back in October. Wow. Feels like ages and ages ago...or just yesterday, I can't decide.
Why do I like to blog? I give up. Why?
kpjara's answer struck a chord with me, so I'll just piggyback off that. Creative outlet, feedback, growth, soapbox, etc. It's also fun. I like fun.
Congrats on your 100th post! And many mooooooooooore!
I just made my 100th post today.
I added my name.
Blogging to me is a place to vent about everything. I can let my mind empty out through my hands and that's really nice because my mind can get pretty full sometimes.
My 100th was about Trick or Treating last funny!
Why is it important? I don't know really-maybe I think it's fun reading others people's blogs and I find it fun to write about my kid.
Great idea for a 100th post. Congrats, and thanks for linking to me!
My 100th just proves what a dip I am. I'd like to say that all the rest are exactly the opposite, but my mama taught me not to lie.
What a fun idea! My 100th post is on my daughter's blog (Abigail's Picture of the Day). It's a shot of what was at the time her newly emerged teeth.
Her blog is important to me because it allows us to keep in touch with family. Her grandparents all live across the country, and posting a photo every day helps them feel involved as she grows up!
Blah-ging has been important becuase of how it's purged me of fear. It's a long story.
My link is my nod back to my 100th post which I did before I realized I had blogged that much! My true 100th post was just about a lost Spurs game. *yawn*
I've tried 3 times to link. It's not holding after I refresh. I'll try later.
WOW you reached 100 really quickly. I just happened to check out my stats and I think I was 97 or something on my last post. So I will link my 100th soon.... now I feel all this pressure to post something really important for my 100th...... I will link here when I post it.
CMHL sent me an email explaining how to find my 100th post-so I am only at like 200 and I think I think I think...I have it. I think. Maybe its 101. Hmmm
and this is WITH help/instructions.
HAPPY Happy to YOU!!!!
OMIGOD! I am such a LOSER!
(heh heh heh!)
I sooo did go back and count! But, TA-DA! I participated! Thank you CMHL, MOTR, and Alala! And thank you, overwhelmed for doing this 'for' us! How kind of you to let us pimp ourselves!
I had to count my posts by hand (is there a way you can find out automatically what number the current post is in blogger?).
Anyway, even if it's the wrong one, I really like it that this was the "chosen" post. Why? Because it was one of the first posts I wrote in 2006 and it pretty much summarizes things that I have felt for a long time and that hopefully will start to "be resolved" in the coming year. I continue to be tired of living in "limboland" although blogging has definitely made it much more bearable. Ten years away from my home country, almost 12 years married and still no idea where we're going to live for the rest of our lives. I pray and hope my husband (or I - probably not!) find a job in the coming year so we can "start our lives." It doesn't feel too good to be 35 years old and still not have properly "started" a life.
OK, that's enough, sorry I got carried away. I'm pretty needy, I guess. Sorry.
I have been blogging since October 2005, and have found it a great way to update people on the kids, post some of my favorite photos, discuss the difficult and great things about being a stay-at-home mom, and explore my feelings about adoption. It's a really wonderful creative outlet for me.
Hopefully I did that link right... if not...sorry all!
Why is blogging important?
1. gives me a spot to record what I learned in my devotions
2. gives me a way to hopefully show others that God is indeed worthy of having a relationship with.
3. It's fun!
Happy 100th!!!
I started because it sounded like a fun way to chronicle our house-building project, but now I blog because it gives me an outlet to write. I've found that I love writing and blogging gives me a way to play around with that.
I'm off to find your interview with Faith now. She's the one who sent me over.
Happy 100! My 100th post came to me unawares because Blogger wasn't counting and neither was I--until later. My favorite thing about blogging is the friends and community here. Hope you get 100! Funn idea.
Good luck with all the links...very cool idea!
What a great idea, I added mine for you!
Hey girl! I haven't been by in a while, but I love your new look! I left you the link to both of my blogs 100th post! I'm almost to 200 posts on my first blog! Can't believe it! My reasons for blogging are in one of the posts I linked you to, so I'll let you go there! Have a blessed day!
My favorite thing about blogging is that I am experiencing online friendships, changing some of them into tirls and some into mirls (see Rocks in my Dryer for that explanation). I love that there are so many other people out there who connect, think, experience life like I do, and they're not afraid to tell about it.
Blessings to you and hopefully you will reach that 100th soon!
Hi, OW. I've lurked here before, but this time I came to read your interview with BooMama for BOTW and found this post.
I blog to share my writing and photos with family and friends I have made blogging. I have found some good friends by them commenting on my blog and from commenting on other's blogs, much as I am doing here. :-)
I was hoping my 100th post would be one of my more thoughtful or funny posts, but it was a meme. Oh well. Blogging is important to me because I get to say whatever I want, and only those who care to hear it have to listen. I feel so blessed and happy that there are actually a few people who do. :)
Blogging is important to me because it started out as a great outlet to let of steam through the stressful adoption process...but it is a great connection to soo many people I would have never met, I am so inspired by so many of the blogs I read. I keep blogging because I think my blog is a great record for my son to read someday.
I started blogging so I could keep family and friends up-to-date on Eli's day to day stuff. However, it's much more of a scrapbook/journal of sorts for me know (in relation to Eli). I often think "When did he do this?", and I can just go back and check my blog to see.... I hope one day Eli will enjoy the blog as much as I've enjoyed writing it! got "here" fast! Looking forward to getting to know you a bit better (looks like many know you already :) ).
More as my "blogtimeblock" permits ;)
I did my 100th post tonight. As hard as it was, it would have been wonderful to be number 100 in Mr. Linky. Sigh.....
I ended my post with a referral to your site, OW. It would be great to reach 100 links!
I have added my link to your wonderful idea and I will be posting about it on my blog with a link back to yours later today.
I'm 30 past it, but decided to go in and figure out which one it was. My eyes are a bit dried out from counting, recounting. Felt like something off of the old Sesame Street - counting,counting, 1,2,3, it's there, if a bit dusty.
I blog, in part, to process my life through words, to work through events, ideas, musings... I blog to practice writing. I blog to write down all the things I normally just talk to myself about. :) I blog to engage in the "community of bloggers." I blog to make people smile, or make them think, or just to establish some common ground with others. I blog to keep in touch with family and friends, and to make new friends. I blog because it creates a link between my husband and me when he reads and comments on my posts. For all these reasons and more, I love blogging!
Thanks for providing a place for us 100 post people!
I blog because I love to talk. *g* It indulges my creative side and I love communicating with lots of different people.
I just posted my 100th last night. I started blogging as a way to connect to other Christian women/moms.
I think I messed up my link. Is there a way to delete it? If so, it's #54. If not, the working link is #55.
Congratulations on your 100th post! Thanks for letting me know about this, it's been fun.
My 100th post...brought back ewww! memories,LOL. You have a lovely blog.
Thanks for stopping by and wishing me a happy blogiversary. Happy 100th! I posted a link to my 100th in the Mister Linky above.
It is here:
I posted my #100 today! I love blogging; I've made lots of new friends and strengthened ties with old ones, too.
Wow, can't believe I made it to 100. It's been a great experience. I'm learning so much and meeting such great people.
Great site and amazed at how many people read your blog. Here is my blog it has many many more then 100 posts.
I should have done an autolink.
You're so smart!!!
Thanks for the comment
I can't believe I just posted #100. Who would of thought.
I started writing a few years ago when for a group of women. It was daily devotionals that I called "Blessed Assurances"
After the group got really big for me to keep up with I started the Blessed Assurances blog. I got a little off track a while back and feel that the Lord is wanting me to continue writing but to not be so obsessed with content and comments. So this last week I started writing like I was writing a devotional again.
Thank you for letting me join in on the 100 post link.
Have a happy weekend
It took me a long time to get to 100 posts, so it's exciting to look back. I blog because I believe I have something to say about adoption that can make a difference, and because I can reach so many people online.
Thanks for letting us share our 100 post landmarks, it's much appreciated.
I had so much coming up with my 100th post! Thank you for hosting this here! It's been great seeing everyone else's posts.
I hit 100 posts on Nov 6. Today while reading Keziah's blog I read about this Mr Linky idea. So here I am.
When I blog, I'm thinking about my (real time) friends and it's like I'm having a face-to-face chat with them.
MY schedule is wacky and so I value being able to share via blogging.
I wrote today my 100th post in my English blog. In this post I ask my self a few questions about "my blogging".
Let's see if I'm able to write 100 more.
How fun, I just linked up. Somehow I missed this one!
Hello and happy 100th post!! :) My 100th was for Father's Day 2006. I had a lovely day with my dad and with my hubby and 2 cherubs. Wonderful memories...fantastic idea!
For my 100th post I wrote an "I Am" essay from a writing prompt that Mary of Owlhaven created.
I blog because blogging is a cheap form of therapy - LOL! I love blogging because it gives a voice to all the thoughts that are constantly floating around in my head. Plus, I have loved getting to know so many wonderful people!
Hooray for all the 100 posts!
I'm up to something like 385 posts now, and for some reason, decided to click on your "Link to me" button in your sidebar. I did post in Mr. Linky my 100th post.
I love to blog because it not only gives the opportunity to keep family and friends updated on what is going on with us, but it is also a great way to keep a family/personal website. I'm website building challenged, but I can blog! :) So I treat my blog as a regular website a lot of times.
I also love the different themed memes that I find :)
I started blogging just to have a place to say things that I found weren't comfortable on a forum I belonged to. They weren't wrong or bad--forums just have a different interaction. This way I could "say" something and no one felt I was judging them. Something I never wanted to do. It was a way to write and think things through.
What surprised me was the blogging community and the neat people I've met through their blogs. I've learned so much.
I am wondering who the 100th commenter/link on your 100th post will be.
Many blessings,
I posted my 100th today, 100 things about me :o).
I love to blog, love the new friends I've made & love the good recipes I have found.
I posted my "100 Things About Me" list today! I started my blog when I was caring for my Mother who suffered from Dementia. My Mother was living with me and my family and I found that by blogging I was able to express some of the struggles and the joys I experienced during that time. My Mother passed away on February 2 this year and I continued to post about my life because I really enjoy sharing things about my family and because I have enjoyed meeting new people through blogging.
I posted my 100th blog on August 25, 2006, but just found your site. I blogged about my son finding his hand and arm for the first time! It was such a cute moment!
I started my blog to journal the busy days of my life. Now it's really fun to look back and see what I was feeling during my pregnancy and then during the first year of my son's life!!!
I started this blog to talk about organising tips and here I am, 100 posts later, still prattling on!
I just posted my 100th post today. I started blogging in August 06, and fell in love with the concept and the people I met!
I'm not sure why I started blogging, other than to get the words out of my system without driving my husband insane, but I do it for the comments now, and the sanity, it helps to get things out there. Oh, and its a great way to avoid housework!
I linked to my 100 things about me post, because it was my PLAN for my 100th post, but I wasn't watching closely enough to catch it right on.
Unfortunately I reached my 100th, only this week, over a year after you!
I have been blogging since 2005, but have only really got into it this year and have done 75 of those just in 2007.
I didn't think to do anything wild and wonderful like you, but then am just learning some new things so watch out for my 200th, which I don't think will be too far away.
My 100th post was about going away with the boys as we took a flight to Wellington, NZ for the weekend.
Why I blog? because I love telling people about what we have been up to, plus my family are all over the world and this has allowed them to keep up with what the boys are doing as they are only 2 & 4.
I hope someone somewhere is injoying reading what my family is up to as much as I love reading what other people are up to.
Just discovered your blog through Tracy over at Abundant Living. My 100th post (back in July) was entitled, Running on Empty, a helpful conversation between a disillusioned pastor and a new friend, taken from a book written by a friend of mine.
How crazy is it that I found this post today and I just posted my 100th post today?!
I started blogging because I had just lost my daughter and needed an outlet for my feelings. Our loss also made me realize how important every day is and I wanted to be able to keep in touch with the important people in my life. I really just thought blogging would be an easy way to keep track of what was going on with our lives. However, I soon discovered an entire blogging world out there that I am now totally addicted to!
How about you? I would love to know about how you started blogging.
What fun! I really wanted to be #100 on your list! :D
Blogging is important to me because it validates what I do as a homemaker. No one I know cares what I cleaned up or cooked for dinner, but I can post it online, and it makes me feel better, and there are actually some other people out there who care, too.
I wasn't going to do this, but decided to not be a party pooper and join in. It ended up being fun! :o)
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