Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Adoption # 2- The Home Inspection
In about 3 hours, our home will be inspected by a State representative!

Since I'm currently in Ft. Walton Beach, FL on business, Oronzo will be handling the inspection on his own.

We spent this past weekend cleaning and finishing the final touches for this home inspection so we're hopeful it will go well. We're both nervous about it.

I feel bad that Oronzo has to do this walk-through alone but, since it's so hard to get a date scheduled with the State within a reasonable amount of time, when they suggested this date I snatched it up without argument!

If we pass this inspection today, we're one step closer to being placed with a child before the end of the year. If we don't pass the inspection today, we'll be given the opportunity to fix any issues that the State representative sees and then our agency licensing agent will be able to come back and verify that we've made the necessary modifications.

Wish us luck! I'll post the results later today when I get the call from Oronzo!

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7:09 AM

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Kathie said...

Praying for you and yours. Greatly enjoyed your blog. Read through several posts and know I will be visiting again.
Blessings from Costa Rica

At 8:34 AM, Blogger a/k/a Nadine said...

Oh good luck! How stressful to not be there.

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck!

At 9:10 AM, Blogger With His Grace said...

I am praying all goes well!!!

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Praying all goes well with the inspection and you pass the first time!

Enjoy your time at FWB!


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Name: Overwhelmed

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It wasn't supposed to work this way...Parts 1 through 10

(the story of the private, domestic adoption of our son)

(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
(Part 6)
(Part 7)
(Part 8)
(Part 9)
(Part 10- Adoption Finalization)

Fostering isn't for the faint of heart!

(our journey to adopt again through foster-to-adopt, the good, the bad, & everything in between)

Adoption #2- considering the State
More Adoption #2 thoughts
Adoption #2- Back to considering the State
Adoption #2- The Paperwork (Round 1)
Adoption #2- The Paperwork (Round 2)
Family Foster Home Licensing Prep Checklist
Adoption #2- Long overdue update
PS-MAPP class homework assignment
Our preliminary home inspection went well!
Adoption #2: Licensing update
Adoption #2- Foster Facts
Adoption #2: I love it when things go my way!
Adoption #2- The home inspection
Adoption #2- We failed our home inspection!
Adoption #2- We passed the follow-up home inspection!
Adoption #2- Still waiting
Adoption #2- We're getting closer
Adoption #2- An update & a lead
Adoption #2- The lead that didn't pan out.
Adoption #2- We're licensed!
Adoption #2- We have a tiny baby here!
Adoption #2- Update on this precious little girl.
Adoption #2- Quick update on Baby Bug
Adoption #2- Baby Bug is staying longer!
Adoption #2- Baby Bug is growing!
Adoption #2- Overdue update on Baby Bug
Adoption #2- The latest on Baby Bug
Adoption #2- Shopping spree for Baby Bug
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Adoption #2- Another Placement Call!
Adoption #2- Placement Meeting- UPDATED!
Adoption #2- We have Boo at our home!
Adoption #2- Meeting Boo
Adoption #2- I'm angry on Boo's behalf!
Adoption #2- A Birthday Party for Boo
Adjusting to three 3 and under!
Stressful moments in fostering.
Adoption #2- Update on our foster daughters
CPS Workers Jerking Our Chain!
It's getting much worse!
Fostering: Update on Baby Bug
Fostering: Update on Boo
The effects of fostering on Snuggle Bug
The time is drawing near to let go of Baby Bug.
Good conversation with Baby Bug's dad.
Boo has a Permanency hearing coming soon!
My heart is breaking!
Bittersweet news about Baby Bug.
Next Friday is going to be tough.
Packing up Baby Bug's belongings
It's done- Baby Bug is gone.
Working on finding peace, one day at a time.
Referral to the Early Intervention Program
Baby Bug update
Home Inspection for re-licensing
Parole granted for Boo's bio mom
Baby Bug is turning 1 year old soon.
Day 2 of Boo's permanency hearing
A prayer answered today!
Attending Baby Bug's 1st birthday party
Foster news
Good news for Boo's case
Boo's bio family visits
Termination Trial date set!
A new caseworker for Boo
I've been asked to testify in court.
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