Sunday, November 09, 2008
A prayer answered today!

As you know, Baby Bug was returned home to her parents in August and we fully expected never to see her again, despite the fact that her parents told us they'd be inviting us to her first birthday party (she turned 1 yesterday).
It's been a long, hard 3 months without her and I've prayed that we would get to see Baby Bug in person again and know that she was doing well.
Well, today that prayer was answered! Her parents called yesterday to explain that they'd moved to a bigger place last week and they had been sick, so Baby Bug's 1st birthday party was being postponed. But they asked if we'd like to come over to see Baby Bug, rather than waiting until her first birthday party plans could be figured out. Of course, I told them we'd love to! After hanging up, I had myself a good cry...tears of joy this time!
So, today after church and brunch, we drove over to their new town home and saw Baby Bug and her new baby brother, who is 1 month old (he slept through the whole visit as babies that small tend to do)!
We weren't sure if Baby Bug would remember us or not and for a minute or so she just looked at us and was really quite, but then her mom handed Baby Bug to me to hold and she came willingly and snuggled right up in my arms. Her mom said that was proof that she remember me because Baby Bug is at the age where she's experiencing separation anxiety and usually doesn't let anyone other than her parents hold her.
In no time at all Baby Bug was crawling all over Oronzo and I on the floor, giving us hugs, laughing at Snuggle Bug and Boo playing, and showing us how quickly she can crawl and how she's cruising along furniture with ease. She's going to be walking in no time!
Snuggle Bug and Boo remembered Baby Bug as well and seemed just as happy to see her as we were. She was all smiles at the sight of them.
It was so good to see how much Baby Bug has grown (she's still a tiny peanut, but she's grown) and to see her beautiful bright smile and hear her infectious laugh again! And it was comforting to see how well she and her family are doing now.
Today was a wonderful reminder of why we're fostering. We may not have been able to adopt Baby Bug as we would've liked, but we loved her dearly and helped her (and in some ways her parents) when it was needed most. And now they're all doing really well and we got to witness that first hand. What a blessing!
Baby Bug's mom told us to call anytime that we wanted to see her because they certainly don't mind visits. I expect we'll see her again for sure at her first birthday party!
Thank you, God, for answering my prayer! What a joyous day today is!
Labels: Baby Bug, foster children, fostering
awww how wonderful that you got to see her in her home, happy and with her parents. It must be such a relief to know she is loved.
I'm so glad you got to see her again, OW. And I think you helped her parents a lot more than you realize. It sounds like they've made a major turnaround. The fact that they invited you to come see her proves they know what an important role you've played in all their lives.
Such nice news. :-)
Im so happy to hear this news! I know you wanted to see her so badly! And she seems happy, thats wonderful! Praise God for bring you all together again!
Now that is a sure answer to pray and what a blessing and what comfort to you to know she is being loved and cared for.... Hugs and Blessings!
That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you and for her! I know you would have liked to have adopted her, but I am sure it is a comfort to see them doing well and to continue to be a part of her life. Thank you for sharing this blessing and answer to prayer!
That's wonderful news. I'm so happy that you got to spend time with her again.
I am so happy that you got to see your little Baby Bug... I bet she was thrilled too... And the good thing is that her parents are so opened to you visiting anytime you want... I added you to my favorites but there was some kind of error... it doesn't show when you update your blog... I will keep trying because I really enjoy your blog and you...
Praise God!
I have tears in my eyes just reading this... I have been following your story and praying that all would work out. :)
What a wonderful day today! You knwo we've been praying and God is coming through.
Love you!
That's awesome! I'm so glad it all worked out.
Awww. I am so glad that you got to visit with her. I have been wondering and praying that it would work out.
I'm so happy for you! That's the best news. God listens and answers in His time, doesn't he?
That is so Wonderful!! I just know how happy you must of been. I am glad that you got to see her and that she is doing well. Praise God!
I'm so happy for you! The power of prayer is a wonderful thing!
My Mother gave me the link to your blog. I stopped in to participate in your recipe exchange, and of course, started reading right along. Oh, how I rejoice at your wonderful answer to prayer. I am deeply touched by the love and mercy you extend to these little ones. What an angel you are, and what an amazing gift you have to give. I look forward to coming here again and again to learn how I can pray for you as you foster, and nurture, and love deeply.
Beautiful blog.
I can't tell you how happy this entry made me. I am all teary knowing that you got to see Bug, and knowing that she is doing well. You're right that your family has been able to do something amazing to help her and her family. I am so happy that there are people like you out there.
Praise be to God! Happy tears rolling down my face just thinking about the joy you must have had that day. Big hugs, Jen O.
Very happy indeed! Thanks for sharing! I was so happy I linked to your post today.
Great News! God really does answer prayer!
Are you hosting Pay It Forward this month?
Thanks and have a great day!
I'm very happy that your prayer WAS answered. I have some friends that are foster parents and I must say you have to be very special people for that.
Hope this is a stepping stone for a wonderful relationship between you and her parents.
I am so happy for you. There just can't be a quota of love. It is endless. i am so glad Baby Bug's parents welcomed you. I hope they never see you as a threat, but the generous loving person you are...
Thats wonderful!
Hooray!!!! I'm so glad to read that -- as I follow your ups and downs, I keep asking myself whether or not I could do it. Fostering seems like a wonderful, painful, terrifying, trying, beautiful blessing -- and such a gift to children.
Yay! You just made my day! :-)
So glad for you!
It takes someone with a special heart to do what you do. :)
You've brought a smile to my face by reading this moving post, and I'm so thrilled that God answered your prayer. He is faithful!
Many sweet blessings!
Tears of joy for your awesome visit. I cna only imagine how rewarding it must have been for you to see her and to see her thriving with her first family. I'm SOOO glad you were able to celebrate her special day with her (even if it was later than planned), and I hope you are included on these special family times in the future!
Could you e-mail me at I'm trying to put your blog on my live blogroll and for some reason it keeps telling me that it cant find the feed. I didn't know if anyone else has this problem or if you know a trick. That way I can put your link on my recipe post as well.
Thank you,
Sounds like a wonderful day of healing... for everybody:)Glad you could all connect for this wonderful life event.
I'm so happy for you! I'm glad this is one story that has a good ending! And I'm thrilled that Baby Bug is doing so well.
Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!
oh I'm so glad to hear she invited you over on Baby Bug's first birthday! I'm happy to know she wasn't putting you off about the bday party and that in fact it was because they hadn't planned one yet with everything else going on! I hope you do get to still celebrate with them when they do have her party!
For fear of rambling, all I can say is that brought tears to my eyes!
Praise God whom all blessings flow!
That is wonderful! I'm so excited for you! What a blessing...
Your words brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for your family.
**tears** God's way are sometimes hard to understand, but are always perfect. I am so thankful there are awesome, Godly parents who heed His call and foster these special children! What a blessing!
PS - we're having a book drawing at, stop by to enter!
May God continue to bless you and give you the desires of your heart.
What a blessing you were to that family, I can only imagine how hard the situation must be. What a sacrifice having to give up that child, but what a blessing to her parents! So glad they seem to be doing well. =)
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