Saturday, December 20, 2008
Foster news
Things have been hectic in my world lately but I wanted to share a little foster care news with you all.
For Boo
Oronzo's mom touched my heart yesterday. She came for a visit and surprised us with a stocking for Boo, with the name that we will name her if we're allowed to adopt her stitched on the top. It's a beautiful stocking with elaborate embellishments!
For Boo
We're stressed about Boo's case right now and we're bracing ourselves for a visit that's scheduled to take place between Boo and her mom. It'll be the first time they've been together since she was born 22 months ago. The visit is happening early next week and we've been instructed to drop Boo off at the CPS office (or we could've let a CPS Aide come pick her up at our house but we weren't about to put her through that) and then come back in two hours to retrieve her. I'm pretty sure Boo is going to FLIP OUT at being separated from us and left with strangers (CPS and her mom, who at this point is a stranger) and I'm worried about the repercussions of this first visit. I'm sure we'll see some acting out of some kind from Boo when she gets home.
I know we have no choice in the matter about this visit. It was bound to happen sometime once mom got out, I just wish it didn't have to happen right before Christmas. We've worked so hard to get Boo stabilized and I'm worried that all that hard work is going to be blown to bits in that short 2 hours and that Christmas will be a struggle.
We're stressed out about the court hearing that happens the same day as the visit (that's why mom is flying into town...for the court hearing). I suspect that the outcome of the court hearing won't be in our favor but I'm trying to remain positive. Your prayers would be much appreciated!

This is a very significant gift because it's meant to be a symbol of hope. Oronzo's mom has made personalized stockings for Ornozo, for me, and for Snuggle Bug over the years and now she's made one for Boo. She's been telling us to remain positive, not to give in to the negativity of the situation. Every time I look at that stocking, I will be reminded of this. That stocking may not go into storage after Christmas is over.
On a practical note, I'm thrilled that Boo will have her very own stocking hung at the fireplace, right next to Snuggle Bug's, and it'll be loaded with fun little gifts on Christmas morning. Santa's good like that!
For Baby Bug
I'm happy to report that Baby Bug is still doing well, and so are her parents and baby brother!
Yes, we're back in contact with them and I was invited to go on a shopping trip today with Baby Bug, her mom, and her baby brother! We arranged for me to meet at their house, they wanted to show me their pretty Christmas decorations that they put up, and I got to play with Baby Bug for a bit before we hit the stores. Then I got to help pick out adorable clothes for Baby Bug! Hooray!
I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have gotten to the point where I get to see and hold Baby Bug again! I'm so thankful to her parents for allowing this connection with us!
Baby Bug gave me several big bear hugs today, and a long hug when it was time to part ways after shopping, and her mom said, "I swear to you, I've never seen her hug anyone like that other than you and Oronzo. She doesn't even hug us like that!" The hugs from Baby Bug lift my spirits and having her mom be okay with her daughter's continued affection for us is a blessing.
Had you asked me a year ago if I'd have on-going contact with a biological family, I would've told you that you were crazy. God works in mysterious ways.
I'm so glad that it's turning out this way. It's a joy to see Baby Bug each time! Oronzo and I have decided to invite Baby Bug's parents, baby brother, and of course Baby Bug to Snuggle Bug's birthday party. Baby Bug's mom said she'd love to come! It hasn't happened yet, but I'm hopeful that it will.
Well, that's all for now. Take care!
Labels: Baby Bug, Boo, foster children, foster-to-adopt, fostering
I will be keeping your family in my prayers as you go through this next step.
Im happy to hear that you and baby bug are still able to see each other. What a wonderful thing! You have been such a blessing to that little girl, and im thankful that her parents see that. Praise be to God!
Enjoy your weekend.
I have been in a similar situation with our first two foster boys. I pray that you and Boo will be filled with the peace that passes understanding. For God's will for Boo and you. I pray that you will feel God's presence and love in the court room.
Hoping in Him, T :)
That is wonderful news that you are still being able to see your little Baby Bug. I appreciate your effort to stay positive in light of Boo's upcoming visit.
That is such wonderful news about Baby Bug. I hope that Boo's situation resolves the way you want.
I'll be praying for you all. You are walking a hard path right now, I'm sure it would be easy to get discouraged. Hang in there my friend.
God Bless,
I'll keep you in my prayers.
I'm so glad that everything has worked out for Baby Bug.
I will be keeping you in my prayers!
I'm so sorry about the struggle with Boo....I can't imagine having to put her in that situation, but she KNOWS your love and it will be reinforced at the end of the 2-hour visit when she comes back to you. SOOO glad to hear about the continuing progress with Baby Bug...she is one loved little girl!!
Thinking of Boo and you. I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to promote a toddler's security, and how fragile it can be.
Hoping for the best for all of you.
Hang in there and trust God that it will work out the way it is suppose too.
Thinking about you and sending prayers
From our hearts to yours wishing you a very Merry Christmas....
May the fat man bring all your heart wishes for!!
Love from outback Australia.....
Merry Christmas!
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