Friday, July 06, 2007
Favorite Ingredients Friday (Thai Spinach Dip)

Good Friday to you all! It's time for another Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe exchange!

Upcoming Themed Schedule
July 13- Healthy Eating recipes
July 20- Appetizers & Snacks
July 27- Salads
August 10- Sauces

My recipe this week is something I stumbled across on the Better Homes and Gardens website. I tell you, if you make this, once you start eating it you won't be able to stop! It's delicious!

Thai Spinach Dip


  1. 1 cup chopped fresh spinach
  2. 1 8-ounce carton dairy sour cream
  3. 1 8-ounce carton plain fat-free yogurt
  4. 1/4 cup snipped fresh mint
  5. 1/4 cup finely chopped peanuts
  6. 1/4 cup peanut butter
  7. 1 tablespoon honey
  8. 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  9. 1 to 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper
  10. Vegetable dippers (such as peeled baby carrots, zucchini slices, and/or cucumber sticks)


  1. In a medium bowl combine spinach, sour cream, and yogurt.
  2. Stir in mint, peanuts, peanut butter, honey, soy sauce, and crushed red pepper.
  3. Cover and chill for 2 to 24 hours. Serve with vegetable dippers.
  4. Makes about 2-1/2 cups dip.

Nutritional Facts
Servings Per Recipe about 2-1/2 cups dip
Calories 44
Total Fat (g) 3
Saturated Fat (g) 1
Cholesterol (mg) 3
Sodium (mg) 61
Carbohydrate (g) 4
Fiber (g) 1
Protein (g) 1
Vitamin C (DV%) 5
Calcium (DV%) 3
Iron (DV%) 2

Now, I look forward to seeing your Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe! I won't be able to visit your recipes right away but fear not, I will stop by to visit your recipe as soon as I can!

Don't forget to link your specific recipe post link on Mr. Linky so I can see what's cooking at your house!

Oh, and be sure to put the title of your recipe in parenthesis! It makes it so much quicker for me to go back and search for recipes as I build my weekly menu.

For guidelines and my past Favorite Ingredients Friday recipes, click here.

Thanks so much for your participation. I do appreciate it!

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6:14 AM

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Good Morning!

Your spinach dip sounds wonderful. If I'm in a hurry I make ranch dip because it's quick but when I have a little spare time, I make spinach dip. My family loves it.

As promised, here's my BLT Pasta recipe. It's become a favorite around here and so many people have asked for the recipe I thought this would be the perfect place to post it.

At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds yummy - maybe I just need to have a 'Dip Party' - meaning food, not people! I'll have to try this at our next social function.

At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love spinich dip - can't wait to try it!!

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Annie said...

I posted a spinach dip too, I am going to try your version. Looks great.

At 8:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love spinach dip. I just love spinach, even as a child. I'm strong to the finish 'cause I eats my spinach...... :O)

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Carey said...

it does sound yummy! Im all for a dip party too. My post is a dip as well.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Jill said...

Oh my! That looks so good. And how happy am I that it doesn't have mayo. Me and mayo don't agree these days... or rather, my unborn child and mayo don't agree. Bad things happen!!

My post will be up soon.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Ms. Kathleen said...

This sounds so wonderful. I think we need to try this for an upcoming wedding rehearsal dinner at the resort. Hugs!

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Eagles Wings said...

oh man that sounds wonderful! I'll have to make some of this!

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Renee said...

The Thai dip sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am running behind today, but I finally got my recipe up. I also posted about the book exchange. Great idea!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

this sounds so tasty! I'll have to give this a try soon! thanks!

At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This looks yummy! thanks for sharing it!


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Mrs.T said...

Thanks for hosting -- recipe ideas look great this week!

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Joyful Days said...

Yummy!! I can use this for a shower I will be throwing soon.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Sounds delicious and perfect for summer time!

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Donetta said...

Hello, I tried to do this, I am still learning how. I think I missed something though.

At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh goodness that sounds so yummy!


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