Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Baby fix!
Still, there will always be a part of me that loves tiny babies so I was thrilled to get an unexpected baby fix today!
Our friends, who are in the process of adopting a newborn, brought their little guy home from the hospital this morning and honored us with a visit later in the day.
How wonderful it was to hold a sweet newborn in my arms once again. Isn't he beautiful!
It's been gratifying to be a source of support for our friends as they navigate the unchartered waters of their adoption journey. They've come to us with questions and concerns, asked our advice and used us as sounding boards along the way, just as certain friends did for us during our adoption journey. Our conversations have reminded us of the magical time we had with Snuggle Bug's adoption and taking him home from the hospital as a newborn.
We now have a connection with this couple, common ground that we weren't expecting when we first met them. I'm thankful for that.
Oh he is so precious! I can't wait to have more grandbabies... What a joy for you to be able to share your journey, your wisdom and a shoulder if needed.
So happy you are back blogging once again :)
oh god, your child looks very cute.
How precious this baby is indeed! I too miss having a newborn around as well, however, I do love to watch my daughter grow. I adopted my daughter when she was just a newborn and it was so hard to know what to except, so I found on http://onlineceucredit.com/edu/social-work-ceus-iap some great advice on how to prepare myself for bringing my daughter home and some solutions to the many challenges we face. I suggest taking a look!
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