Monday, June 22, 2009
Recent Struggles with Boo
Nap and bedtime has become such a struggle with Boo since I've returned from my CA trip.
When I try to lay her down for a nap or at bedtime, she instantly starts pitching a fit and screams until she's hoarse because she doesn't want to go to sleep. Her tantrum is horrible, with her trying to lash out by hitting me and throwing things off of her bed.
Nothing works to calm her down so I end up having to walk away and just let her throw her fit until she falls asleep from sheer exhaustion.
It really stresses me out and it doesn't help when Oronzo tells me she doesn't do this for him.
I don't know if this is happening because she's angry that I left her for 7 days, or if my being gone brought up all her fears of abandonment from her first year of instability. I'm not sure if she's just throwing these huge tantrums because she's 2 and stubborn by nature.
I just know that my heart aches to see her struggling with her emotions so much.
Any suggestions on how to help her through this?
Have you tried laying down with her and reading a book? What also worked for us..was laying on the couch, and watching a gave us a chance to snuggle, and the opportunity for my son to calm down and fall asleep. Then I could get up, and do what i needed while he was asleep.
I remember a brief little blip when Princess was two where she did the exact same thing. It was triggered by transitioning to a new classroom at school and seeing what she could get away with from her new teachers and from us, her parents.
Yes, it was probably triggered by you going away but it is more about being two years old and testing you to see what she can get away with. Hang in there!
I agree with Carey that laying down with her to read a book might help. If she feels like she's got your attention just a little past being put to bed, maybe she'll be calm and not get herself all worked up. Hopefully this behavior will go away as quickly as it showed up.
I've never had this problem and believe me, I'm thankful. I can see where it would be really upsetting for you.
how tiring for you! no advice, but I hope she is able to get through this soon and take her naps well!
ps. My kids all gave up their naps at two!!!
Maybe she wants Oronzo to put her to bed? Maybe there is something he does that she likes that is subtle.
My two year old does the same thing. Ends up hitting me, is so frustrated because he doesn't want to go to bed. He actually says, "but I don't want to" he is just two years old. You have to walk away and let her do what she needs to do. Maybe she senses you are struggling and maybe she thinks she can maybe just maybe get you to do what she wants you to do which is not take a nap
You will never believe this! Yesterday I went to the mail box and there was the book...the wrapping on the book was filthy and torn...I have no idea where it had been...but it made it...I would love to know the adventure that poor book has been on...anyhoo...thank you for the book. I wanted you to know I got it.
I agree with T and Honey.
My husband and I used the drop and run/let them cry it out method. I know a lot of people think this method is verging on child abuse, but it worked for us.
Soon our children had to no problems with us leaving them in the church nursery or putting them to bed. It's tough to hear them so miserable, but in the long run they learned self-reliance and self soothing. They also learned they aren't the boss of mommy and daddy.
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