Thursday, April 24, 2008
Baby Bug is better...sort of.
Sorry I've left many of you hanging as to how Baby Bug is doing. She's doing better...sort of.

She's gotten past her fevers and diarrhea, thank goodness, but she's not back to drinking or eating at the level she was before she got sick.

Unfortunately, just as she's beginning to recover from the G.I. virus she had, yesterday we learned that she has pink eye of all things! Poor little baby! Where she got that from I don't know but she's got it. Our pediatrician wrote a prescription which was started late afternoon yesterday.
I have no experience with pink eye. I've never had it and neither has Oronzo or Snuggle Bug. We've been told that Baby Bug is highly contagious until at least 48 hours after she started he prescription medicine. We've been advised to keep her eye cleaned of the goop using wet cotton balls, to wash our hands constantly while tending to her, and to keep Snuggle Bug and Boo away from her face as much as possible. Oh, and the kids are not to share wash clothes or bedding. So far, Snuggle Bug and Boo appear to be unaffected but we're not out of the woods yet.
Throughout Baby Bug's initial illness, Oronzo and I made the decision to bypass the CPS worker, who isn't quick enough in her responses at times, and to call Baby Bug's parents directly to provide updates on how she's doing. They were worried about her and deserved to know how she was doing. I called them using my cell phone and kept them updated on her progress yesterday. I encouraged them to call me if they wanted any further updates.
So, we've given up some of our privacy by giving them one of our numbers but we felt that was the right thing to do, given the circumstances. It was just too complicated trying to use CPS as the middle man (or woman in this case). Now they have my cell phone and we have their cell phone, an even trade.
So, how long does pink eye last?
Labels: Baby Bug, foster children, fostering, illness
Not long! a few days...
It can't be a coincidence that these two illnesses came about once Baby Bug had to start going to the daycare place in order to arrange for the transfer to her parents. Hopefully for your and her sake that another way to do the transfers can be arranged, especially now that you and her parents have direct cellphone contact ability.
My kids both had pink eye as babies. It was just one of those things. I'll tell you though, hand sanitizer is your friend. Have Baby bug sanitize her hands as well. And Lysol your house - especially anything she touches!
It will be done in a couple of days. When we applied the medicine, we always sang twinkle, twinkle. It seemed to help! And it's an excuse for extra cuddle time.
Using a warm compress will also help alleviate the discomfort for her eyes. And we have an all-natural eye drops we use that really does provide relief as well:
Similasan Pink Eye Relief. We LOVE this stuff!
Just make sure you use the drops for the full amount of days they told you too, but you will see an improvement in her eye pretty soon after treatment..maybe a day or two.
She probably got it from the day care. A lot of things get passed around at these places, and even schools. I hope shes feeling better.
Wow - I haven't been over here in a while and LOTS has been happening.
so I guess you're not going to Ireland in May? :)
That's what I came over to do - see if we could meet up. We'll be there from 16th to 24th May.
I need to do some catching up on the girls - they are GORGEOUS!!!
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but pinkeye lasts until you get her out of daycare. The first couple of days is the "officially" contagious part, then you need to finish the course of antibiotics the pediatrician may have her on. (They come in either cream form or drops; sometimes the cream is easier to apply to a little baby.)
By that time, though, someone else in the house will have it, and you will go through the course of everything again...until the following month, when she'll pick it up at daycare again. I cannot tell you how many countless times we have gone through this. Wash your hands constantly, do not go anywhere without your hand sanitizer (keep it in your pocket at all times), and you're supposed to wash bedding (pillowcases especially for adults; I'm assuming crib sheets for Baby Bug) in hot water, particularly after you've started treatment, to prevent reinfection.
I *hate* pinkeye!
I am sure she got it from daycare....those places are breading grounds for this kind of thing!
We will pray no one else gets it!
I am sure she got it from daycare....those places are breading grounds for this kind of thing!
We will pray no one else gets it!
I love your pictures! Pink eye is no fun, and make sure you are constantly washing your hands, or you'll get it, too. It should clear up in a few days, since you've started on the drops.
Keep up the good work, there, darling.
We just had (another) round of pink-eye at our house. I only last a few days but not sure how long they are contagious. We get drops for our little guy and we are to use them 7 days. No one at our house has ever gotten pink eye from our toddler. Good luck!
She probably got it from daycare. Most of the time it goes from child to child.
I'm Glad she is better. It usually lasts a couple of days... Have a good afternoon...
Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is as you know contagious. She could have got it from Daycare but if she has had any form of cold then it is very easy for her to infect herself when rubbing her nose with her hand and then rubbing her eye with the same hand.
When ever my youngest has a cold I am on constant alert for his eyes because he is so good at getting it.
Keep the medicine you have in the fridge and do not discard it when the course is finished, it keeps for up to 3 months in the fridge and believe me, when you next notice the signs in any of the children dose them immediately and it will be cleared in a day or 2. There is nothing worse than seeing it at night and deciding to wait until morning to act on it!
Don't be so hard on yourself, kids are kids and this is part of being a kid but when they have such high temps and you feel so useless then you want anything to happen to take it all away and have them back playing again.
You are doing a wonderful job, her parents were probably so grateful for the call. Keep smiling.
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