Monday, September 10, 2007
Attending my first bead show
This past Saturday I attended my first bead show. Have you ever been to one? Oronzo told me about it and surprised me in offering to come. Initially, I think he wanted to attend to help keep my spending in line and he did that, sort of, but not as well as he thought he would.
This bead show was amazing. There were about 104 vendors present from all over the United States. There were glass beads, semi-precious stones, sterling silver findings and intricate clasps, wire wrap, and so much more for sale! They even had 3 artists showing how they made their own glass lamp beads. I spent about 30 minutes just watching that!
I spent far too much money, even with Oronzo there. In the end, he got caught up with the excitement and made his own purchases (Tiger Eye, red dyed coral, onyx, and hematite strands) so that I could design some jewelry for his mom and sisters as gifts.
The other fun part of attending this beading extravaganza was seeing all the different business names listed in the guide booklet. Some of the names that caught my eye were:
- BeadAbundant
- Beadfuddled
- Crystal Myths, Inc.
- From the Heart — Janet Farris
- Glasscapes
- I Fancy That!
- Jujee Beads
- Mother Beads, Inc.
- Natural Touch
- Shipwrecked Glass Art
- Some Enchanted Beading
- Wear Original Wonders
- Whole Lotta Whimsy
- Wild Things Beads

Going to this bead store has really inspired me again!
I'm curious, are any of you bloggers out there jewelry designers? Do you have a website where you sell your designs? If so, please leave me your link in my comments section. I'd love to see your work and maybe others would too!
Labels: can't stop beading, home-based business
I have a good friend who designs her own jewelry...Her website is:
How did you get started in beading? Do you have any good web sites or books to recommend? I get overwhelmed when I go to Michaels or Hobby Lobby and don't know where to start!
Wow...talking about being Overwhelmed..that would be me!
I'll bet you were seriously "overwhelmed" when you arrived on this scene. LOL
This so reminds me of the miniature shows I used to attend in Denver. So, so many vendors you could spend DAYS there.
How fun!
It's so nice to get reinvigorated sometimes isn't it! Can't wait to hear the name you chose (hope it's not anything like Crystal Myth, which is just too close to Crystal Meth for my taste -- scary!!)
Wow, this looks like FUN to me...Just looking at them is amazing. If you are ever in the Black Hills you have to go to Prairie Edge and I think they do have a website. They have beads galore!
God Bless!
Prairie Edge Italian Glass Bead Library
Most of the beads are offered for sale here -
I also make jewelery...While in high school I worked at Fire Mountain Gems, a wholesale bead company in Grants Pass, OR...they got me hooked.
So envious!! That looks like it was a great time.
I've got a both a website and a blog. I sell my designs on (Kintera Arts) and I write about my work on I'll add you to my blogroll there.
It must have been sooo fun and motivating to be able to go to this. I love all the cute jewelery that is now out there. I wish you the best with your business, and can't wait to hear what you have decided for a name.
was that the international gem and jewlery show? We went all the time growing up (and I still go even now)! That place is fabulous, but not to a 3 year old whose mom didn't feed her snacks while they were there!
Odd you should ask that question I just found time to finish two bracelets, an anklet and a necklace over the weekend. I learned how to do wire work earlier in the year and scarecly find time to do it, but did find sometime this past weekend. I really enjoy it. I find wire work to be more gratifying and easier to leave and come back to then bead stringing work.
Hi there
Just been browsing your blog from WFMW.
I have a blog friend who does jewellery.
Organising queen and
Marcia's take charge blog
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