Friday, September 21, 2007
Favorite Ingredients Friday (Sandwich Edition)

FIF Sandwich Edition button design by Crissybug.

Good Friday to you all! It's time for a special Favorite Ingredients Friday Sandwich Edition! I've always loved sandwiches (especially with a cup of soup), so I can't wait to see what recipes you all come up with! !

My contribition comes from the Rachel Ray Show. Rachel Ray is so fun to watch and this particular sandwich is delish! I hope you like it.

French Dip with Italian Attitude


1 wide baguette
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), plus some for drizzling
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano
1 small onion, chopped
2 large clove garlic, divided, 1 chopped, 1 crushed
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 cups beef stock
1 sprig of rosemary leaves, chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/4 pound sliced roast beef
6 slices provolone cheese


Slice baguette open lengthwise just shy of actually completely splitting it open; you want it to open like a book and stay together. Then cut the bread in half so that you have 2 books. Transfer the bread to a cookie sheet and toast in the oven until golden brown, 8-10 minutes, or toast under the broiler but keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn! Once the bread is toasted, rub cut side with the crushed clove of garlic then drizzle it with a little EVOO and cover it with grated cheese.

While the bread is toasting, heat a medium-sized skillet over medium-high heat with 2 turns of the pan of EVOO, about 2 tablespoons. Add onion, chopped garlic, tomato paste and rosemary, season with a little salt and pepper, and cook until the onions start to get soft about 2-3 minutes. Add beef stock, bring up to a simmer and cook for 2-3 minutes to let the flavors come together.

Using tongs swish a few slices of roast beef at a time through the hot broth then transfer to the cheesy garlic bread. Once all the roast beef has been mounded on the bread, top each half with 3 slices of provolone cheese and transfer to the broiler or oven to melt the cheese.

Now, I look forward to seeing your Favorite Ingredients Friday Sandwich Edition recipe! I won't be able to visit your recipes right away but fear not, I will stop by to visit your recipe as soon as I can!

Don't forget to link your specific recipe post link on Mr. Linky so I can see what's cooking at your house!

Oh, and be sure to put the title of your recipe in parenthesis! It makes it so much quicker for me to go back and search for recipes as I build my weekly menu.

For guidelines and my past Favorite Ingredients Friday recipes, click

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7:30 AM

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Ms. Kathleen said...

Just in the nick of time. Your sandwich sounds just awesome! It is a definite must try.

God Bless!

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Joyful Days said...

That sounds really great!! I think everyone here would like it!!

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Renee said...

I love Rachael Ray! This sandwich sounds really good. Thanks for sharing.

At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The recipes look yummy so far. Can't wait to try some new sandwiches.

Take Care,


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs and shalom:)

gp in montana

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Jill said...

That looks so good. I'm going to have to try this one. I love Rachael Ray's recipes, but her personality is really beginning to grate on me... lol

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Eden said...


At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yum-a-roo (or something that Rachel herself might say). That does sound good

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Mrs.T said...

Your sandwich sounds delicious! Thanks for hosting!

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Carey said...

I love roast beef sandwiches. Sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing this with us today. Hope your week is finishing off good.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger heidi @ ggip said...

I used to like eating these in college.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Sandra said...

Sounds wonderful, I'm sorry I'm so late posting mine :)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Yummy...sound wonderful

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

sounds yummy!

and on your "makeover" - I say good for you for doing something nice for yourself!


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