Friday, October 20, 2006
Favorite Ingredients Friday (Chocolate Chip Banana Bread )

Good evening everyone.
I'm so sorry that I didn't get my Friday recipe post up sooner. Unfortunately, I got a bad case of food poisoning and I've been out of commission since Wednesday evening. I'm just now starting to feel human again. So, if you're still interested, please feel free to participate.
Based on the results of my post last Friday, it seems as though many of you would appreciate the option of being able to post recipes with more than just 5 ingredients. So, I've decided to change my Friday posts into a Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe exchange!
I just have a couple of guidelines with this newly revised recipe exchange:
1) Please aim for simplicity in your recipes, no matter how many ingredients they have. Simplicity was the whole appeal to me of the 5 ingredients or less. I don't want to loose that, but I think we don't have to even with recipes that have more ingredients.
2) Please number your ingredients within your post so that, at a quick glance, we all know how many ingredients we'll be working with if we make your dish.
That's it. I hope you all like the change and I hope that this will encourage even more of you to participate in this recipe exchange! You know how much I rely on your recipes for my weekly menu planning.
The recipe I'm about to share is from Oronzo's side of the family. I love it because the bulk of the ingredients get thrown in a blender and then mixed in with the dry ingredients, making it an easy recipe, despite the fair amount of ingredients. I hope you enjoy this one. It's one of my favorites!
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
- 2 cup flour
- 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- 1 stick butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 3 Tbsp sour cream
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 1/2 cup sliced bananas (I use 2 full bananas)
- 1 cup chocolate chips
- 1 tsp vanilla
- Mix the first 4 ingredients in a bowl.
- Put the remaining ingredients in a blender and plus blend until well mixed.
- Pour blended ingredients in with dry ingredients and blend well, but don't overmix.
- Pour into greased loaf pan or cupcake pan.
- Bake for approximately 50 minutes at 350 degrees.
I look forward to seeing your Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe! Don't forget to link your blog on this post so I can see what's cooking at your house!
Oh, and be sure to put the title of your recipe in parenthesis! It makes it so much quicker for me to go back and search for recipes as I build my weekly menu.
Thanks so much for your participation at this late hour! I do appreciate it!
Labels: Favorite Ingredients Friday
I'am so sorry you got food poison that is horrible.Glad to hear you are feeling better. I didnt do a recipe today....had lots of errands to run...but this sounds great...I have to take breakfast to Sunday School in a couple of weeks and think I will take this...thanks for sharing...
I forgot to add my recipe in the first Mr. Linky, whoops! I don't see the delete link thing anymore either.
I'm glad you're feeling better! I was starting to worry if you were okay or not. I hope the food poisoning wasn't too horrible to go through.
I love your new guidelines AND your recipe..that sounds delicious. I've never heard of chocolate chips in banana bread before, I'll have to bake it on Sunday (my baking day) Thanks for sharing & hosting! =)
Duh, I forgot to put my recipe title in, too. It's pumpkin dip. I didn't number the ingredients either, but it is still just five. I'll do better next week, I promise. :o)
I'm sorry to hear you had food poisoning. It's the worst. I hope you feel better soon.
I love chocolate chip banana bread. In fact, I recently pulled my last loaf from the freezer. Time to make some more!
That sounds horrible!! I'm so sorry.
Just so you know, I've been LURKING like a LUNATIC waiting for your post.
Just cuz I can't cook doesn't mean I can't learn how, you know. I print off a few recipes every week;)
Okay, Larae, fess up. How did you add your recipe title?
What warmed my heart today is that I saw so many people posting their 5 Ingredient Friday recipes, with a note that you were very busy getting ready to go on a trip. So you must know how much we all enjoy this. We just posted our recipes and waited for you. :-)
Making it not so restrictive is wonderful. I have lots and lots of great recipes that are simple but have lots of seasonings that take the ingredients over the five limit.
I'm so sorry you've been down with food poisoning. That's just the worst thing to get over. Glad you're better and I'm sooo glad you got over this before your vacation begins.
Your recipe sounds delicious. As you know, I'm not a chocolate lover but believe me, I'm the black sheep in my family and I love to cook for them. They'll love it.
That is such a great idea to change it to favorite ingredient Friday. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning but I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.
I love banana bread and most of the time when I make it I'll make half of the batch with chocolate chips. Have a great weekend!!
Oh hope you are feeling better!! At least it happened before your big trip!
The recipe sounds so yummy! We adore banana bread around here! I will have to try this one!
Oops! I didn't notice you had already added my recipe to Mr Linky! Sorry about that - guess you can edit it out :)
This recipe sounds delicious! I love banana bread so you can bet I'll be giving this a try!
I shouldn't try to blog/read/comment when it's this late at night! I forgot to say sorry to hear about the food poisoning! Yikes! Did you get it from eating out somewhere? I hope you are feeling better!
Food poisoning...yuk! Glad you're starting to feel human again...
Mine is up...
Can you email me the new photo w/Favorite ingredient friday on it?
Sorry I posted twice I forgot my recipe title in the first one.
Food poisoning is no fun! Sorry to hear that you ended up with it! Choc chip banana bread sounds great!
Ohhhh...a nice twist on a family favorite! Yum!
Looks really good.
Yummy! Sorry that I have not been around lately, I have been so tied dowm with school work. I will get back on the bandwagon soon.
Hello, I ran across this website by accident.....but I couldnt help but to notice the absolutely breath-taking pictures....where were these taken? thank you...Kiley-USA
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