Edited to add: For more great holiday recipes, check out the 2nd Edition of my Holiday, Cooking Blogger Style recipe exchange right here!
Not long ago I asked you all to mark your calendars for today. The day has arrived to kick off my Holiday Cooking, Blogger Style recipe exchange! If you intend to participate, and I hope you do, I'd like to lay out just a few guidelines.
1) Recipes can be as long or as short as you'd like. They can be quick and simple or they can be a bit more complex. You can post more than one recipe if you'd like. Don't worry if you think there might be duplicates of the recipe you have in mind (more than one stuffing recipe, for example) because I'll bet each recipe is unique.
2) I'd appreciate holiday recipes that are tried and true. They don't have to be your own creations, I don't care where you originally got the recipe from, I just ask that you post a recipe that's worked for you in the past. Feel free to give credit where credit is due. If you post a recipe from your aunt Martha Stewart, by all means, mention that! I'll be sharing some family recipes.
3) Since I will probably take these recipes and compile my own amateur little recipe book with them, I'd appreciate it if you could add a tag at the end of your post that places your recipe in one of the following categories:
* Appetizer * Beverage * Bread * Candy * Cookies * Dessert * Jam/Jelly * Main Dish * Salad * Sauce * Side Dish * Snack * Soup *
4) When you post your recipe on your blog, within your post be sure to link back my post so that others know where to come and view more recipes. Feel free to use the graphic above in your post or on your sidebar.
5) Once you've posted your recipe on your blog, don't forget to stop back and link on my Mr. Linky so that everyone can stop by and take a look at your recipe. I'd really appreciate it if you'd put your recipe title in parenthesis in Mr. Linky.
6) There's no deadline on when you have to post your recipe. This post isn't going anywhere, so take your time!
Okay, enough with the guidelines let the fun begin! I can't wait to see your holiday recipes! I promise, I will visit your blog to see your recipe if you link here. Depending on the response I get, it may not be right away today, but I will get to your blog as soon as I can!
And now, here are three of my favorites.
Recipe #1- Dad's Stuffing
My dad has been making stuffing for our family for years. His recipe is the best, it's flavorful and moist. He never really had this recipe in writing because he always just grabbed the ingredients and threw them in. Back in 1995, I convinced him to allow me to measure those ingredients as he went, so I could finally get that recipe recorded.
- 2 stalks of celery, chopped & pre-cooked [chop, then boil]
- 1 onion, chopped fine
- 1 1/2 sticks of butter, melted
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 tsp sage [be careful not to use too much]
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp garlic salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 2-5 loaves of bread/croutons
- turkey giblets [neck, heart, gizzard, & liver entrails]
- 2 or 3 chicken bouillon cubes
- Boil turkey giblets in a big pot with lots of water & 2-3 chicken bouillon cubes until meat pulls off the bone (30 minutes). Pull giblets out of the water and grind them up really fine. Save boiled water to use as moisture for the stuffing.
- Combine all ingredients in a large baking pan. Add boiling water as needed to keep stuffing moist.
- Stuff your turkey with the stuffing or leave the stuffing in the baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 40-45 minutes. Use a meat thermometer to make sure the stuffing is heated to 150 degrees through and through.
Category: Side Dish
Recipe #2: Best Ever Sugar Cookies
This recipe was given to me at my bridal shower. It's from Oronzo's mother. The ingredient that makes these cookies so yummy is the almond extract. I use this recipe for all my holiday cookies!
- 1 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 cup shortening
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3 eggs
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3 cups flour
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 tsp almond extract
- Cream shortening & sugar.
- Add eggs, vanilla, & almond extract.
- Sift dry ingredients and add to wet.
- Roll out to 1/4" thick. If you're not planning on frosting the cookies, sprinkle sugar on the top before baking.
- Bake at 375 degrees for 7-8 minutes [the cookies should be barely brown on the edges].
Category: Cookies
Recipe #3: Buttercream Icing
There are a lot of buttercream recipes out there, but this is the one I like to use best. Fair warning, this recipe makes a lot of frosting (3 ½ pounds), but it can be used for icing cakes and cookies as well as for borders and art work on cakes. It also makes a good tasting filling between layers of the cake and under a Fondant Icing.
- 2 sticks butter, room temperature
- 2 cups Crisco shortening
- 1 teaspoon butter flavoring (Wilton’s makes the best flavored version)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla (use Wilton’s Clear Vanilla if you want the frosting to remain white)
- 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
- 2 pounds powdered cane sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon meringue powder (optional but the texture will be smoother)
- Water as necessary (I usually add about 2 tablespoons but you may need more or less depending on the humidity in your neighborhood)
- In the mixer, mix butter, Crisco shortening, and salt together to incorporate, about 5 minutes on low.
- Add almond, butter and vanilla extracts. Mix together well. Add about 1 pound of powdered sugar and the meringue powder and mix.
- Add 1/2 cup of powdered sugar at a time and mix until you get the consistency you want.
- Add a little milk, a teaspoon at a time, if necessary to thin the frosting. Blend well on low for several minutes.
- Use immediately or put in tupperware container and refrigerate. NOTE: Buttercream Icing will last for weeks as long as it is well sealed.
While I'm sharing my frosting recipe, I might as well show you some of the holiday goodies I've created in the past, using buttercream frosting and Wilton food coloring paste. Sorry, I couldn't find pictures of my Christmas cookies, but I'm sure I'll eventually be able to share some. :)

Picture #1: Ghost cake made from a Wilton mini cake pan.

Picture #2: More ghost cakes!

Picture #3: A whole stash of Halloween goodies. Click on the image to see larger picture.

Picture #4: Easter cookies made with various cookie cutters that I've collected over the years. That's another thing I collect, metal cookie cutters.
Labels: Favorite Ingredients Friday, Holiday Cooking Blogger Style, recipe exchange
That stuffing sounds delish!! I can't wait to try some of the recipes. Hope you get a big response, OW. :-)
This is such a great idea - I've really enjoyed participating in your 5IF. I can't wait to try all the new recipes people submit! Have a great Monday!!
I have to think about this....I know I have recipes I like...I just have to decide what I want to use....your dressing recipe sounds very tasty.
My mom's favorite part of the meal is the meat and the stuffing. I'm passing this recipe on to her, I know she'll absolutely love it.
The cookies sound DELISH! I'm printing this recipe right away and making them on my next baking day!
Thanks so much for sharing and for hosting! This was tons of fun =)
My mom's favorite part of the meal is the meat and the stuffing. I'm passing this recipe on to her, I know she'll absolutely love it.
The cookies sound DELISH! I'm printing this recipe right away and making them on my next baking day!
Thanks so much for sharing and for hosting! This was tons of fun =)
Whoops I posted as anonymous! Sorry about that.
OW, How clever of you to get your Dad's Stuffing recipe. I am so excited that you shared with us, as well. If you ask my daughter, it is not Christmas until the family sits around and decorates "sugar cookies". These look soo yummy delicious! Thanks so much for hosting!
Oh my gosh, this is making me so hungry for holiday food now!! Thanks so much for this great idea and for sharing your recipes with all of us.
Oh Man! I can almost smell the lovely aroma of Christmas already!
You ladies are making me feel all festive with these yummy sounding recipes! I already can't decide wich ones to borrow for Christmas dinner this year!
I will add my (Very modest, veeeeeery simple) recipe tonight.
Keep the lovely recipes coming, I'm loving it!
Your recipes sounds great. I can't wait to see everyone's. I'm sure I posted too many. I couldn't even decide which one to type in Mr. Linky. :o)
Thanks for doing this. I hope to find some great recipes!
Like the other's I had a hard time deciding what to post. Thank you for letting me play along.
My mom makes some of the best dressing. She has no recipe as she learned from her mom and big sister how to make it. SO 3 years ago I just sat in the kitchen and wrote everything down so I too could make it one day, I love these recipes and really enjoy doing this...great idea.
Reading all these examples, mine is clearly the LAMEST.
But I'm actually hoping to get some help in understanding this recipe. I think some ingredients are missing - and there are no instructions.
My dad wrote it and he died about 10 years ago. Maybe you can all help?
Oh my, the stuffing and the cookies sound delicious....
I'm so excited that you are hosting this Recipe Exchange, I'm sure we're all going to walk away with tons of great recipes :)
Such a wonderful start to the holiday cooking season! Thanks for hosting!
Both your recipes look yummy...
Thanks for doing this holidy recipe exchange! I think Kayla and I will be making these sugar cookies this season :)
Your Dad's dressing sounds a lot like my Mom's. Yummy! And the sugar cookies are a sure winner! I have two recipes, one on each blog so will post both! Thanks bunches!
I'll have try this one...and yummy the dressing sounds wonderful too!
Thanks for two new recipes and hosting the holiday recipe exchange!
oops I forgot to put my titles next to my name...can you delete it? sorry
Thanks for doing this, how fun!!! Both of your recipes sound excellent!
I am excited to try some new recipes. Thanks for doing this.
These both sound great! I can't wait to try them! I love sugar cookies!! This is such a great idea to share holiday recipes! Thanks!!
I can't wait to go around skimming the recipes. What a great idea, thank you for hosting!
Wonderful food being offered here! I am looking forward to all the reading I have to do!Mmmm smells good!
Even though we've gotten a lot of yummy ones here already, what do you think of having a food gift recipe exchange. It could be cookies, candies, jar mixes, etc... I know lots of us like to give food gifts at the holidays. It could be good to get some new ideas.
Also, I'll add my tags when I get home this afternoon. Sorry, I posted mine too early. :o)
So many recipes, so little time, don’t you think?
This is my son's favorite bar cookie evah!
I just started blogging my adoption journey and did a search for bogs and yours came up!
Where are the beautiful pictures from on the left side of your blog. I am an expat currently living in England.
Anyways, love your blog
Thanks for the comment.
OOhh I love Ireland. What part of Ireland?
Yes I have a few recipes to look through. It is late here but I will email them tomorrow!!
Can't wait to look through all these recipes!
Thanks for hosting all of us today. What a grand idea! I can't wait to try your recipes and I thought your decorated cakes were darling. Thanks again for having us over today.
Lots of new recipes to try here :)
They all sound good!
Thanks for Hosting! And thanks for reminding me! I couldn't chose just one dish, so I shared a whole meal....I can't wait to try some of these wonderful recipes....I can smell them thru the keyboard! YUMMO!
What a wonderful idea! I'm preparing my post now...
Okay, I'm having some issues and may have to post a day late...
I forgot to list my recipe after I linked! It's Holiday Home Scent. It's not to eat, but it sure makes your house smell wonderful! Is it too late to add it?
Thank you for hosting this exchange!
I wasn't sure if I would join in or not, but I just get such good ideas from everyone. I didn't think it was fair to steal their ideas and not post my own.
You are very talented. I love the photos.
This is quite the new meme. You're all making me so hungry! Mmmm...stuffing!
Hi there. I've just moved and so when I dig out the christmas book.
I will happily e-mail you my favorite recipe for Eggnog Loaf.So yummy and full of calories!!!LOL
Thanks so much for organizing this! I so excited to look through all the recipes. What a terrific idea!
I posted mine.
I got it up, finally! Sorry - I hope people are still able to enjoy them...
I had file access issues and had to get my mom to email me her files.
;-) Thanks for doing this!
Okay ... I was totally unprepared for this... I saw it, I digested it, I thought about it, and promptly forgot about it -- GAAH! I'm feeling like such a scatter brain, but in all fairness, I'm planning my son's first bday party for this Saturday, so my mind is going a gazillion miles a minute!
I'm going to post a recipe later on that is so yummy and very easy ... hope that's okay! I'll stop back by to add myself to Mr. Linky!
Thanks for leaving a note on my blog with a reminder!
Ooops! One more thing ... your frosting couldn't have come at a better time!!!
First of all, I think your blog has become my new cookbook!
Second of all, to clear something up, I'm the Erika with the harvest stews and apple pies at
But I sign with my other blog at homeschool blogger.
Just so you know that realmomma is giving a few recipes for all that she is receiving.
Thanks, and I so look forward to sharing more great recipes with all of you.
Well, better late than never, right? Sorry I am late posting my recipe. Looks like I have no excuse for having something to make for the holidays this year. Thanks OW for doing this.
I added two to my blog. I can't stay away from here! LOL. Thanks so much for doing this, I love all of the recipes, and I wish I could try them all this year!
This is amazing! What a wonderful idea. I'm getting so many fantastic recipes I don't think I'll be able to make them all in my lifetime! Thanks for thinking of this and hosting it!
Wow what a nice blog. I have to ask because I am nosy are the pics in the side bar of places in Scotland?
Great idea, I'm always looking for good recipes during the holidays!
And I'm guessing the pictures on the sidebar are Ireland? . . .
I havent been around all week and I come back and my goodness...you have been busy over here in your corner of blogland. I love the recipe idea but have no idea if I'll actually get to participate. My days are so busy I hardly get to be at my computer.
I also like all the other stuff you're doing; Treasure Tuesday, Testimony Tuesday...every day you have a meme going on.. how cool. But alas...I darent get too involved. I have no idea where you all find the time. I'm so jealous! sigh.
Thank you for doing this. I absolutely don't know what to share. I need to think about it. I love getting all these recipes. It's awesome!
Oh I just love your halloween goodies!! How cute! I love this idea, although I can't think of anything unusual to add - it seems like everything has been covered by others.
Thanks for the enticing repices and for this fabulous idea! I'm having so much fun collecting new recipes! Thank you!
Thanks for doing this! I can't wait to try some of these recipes. Your stuffing looks much like my gram's recipe, which is not written down either ('cept in my head). And I can't wait to try the sugar cookies either.
Such a wonderful idea, and so many fabulous sounding recipes. These will give me a lot of ideas for the upcoming holidays!
I had a blast participating in your holiday recipes event! I've seen so many good recipes to try. . . I'm trying to hold back on my "food as entertainment" temptation, but this listing is making that difficult! Yum! Thanks for coming by my blog, Overwhelmed!
Hi again, Overwhelmed. As promised, I posted a recipe in this blog. (www.andthencamelife.blogspot.com) I've tried this one at least twice and my husband loved it. It's also health-friendly because it has tomatoes, and it uses shrimp instead of pork meat. For low-sodium variant, replace regular soy sauce with low-sodium soy sauce.
PLUS, there's an intro about "Cooking for Couples."
Thanks for reading my blog and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it.
Those cakes look AWESOME! I LOVE buttercream frosting!!!
I got the second link to work...sorry about the first. Thanks for doing this...the recipes all sound yummy.
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