This week was my nephew's 4th birthday. I really didn't know what to get him, he has more toys/books/clothes than he knows what to do with already. So, I decided to find a craft project geared towards his age group, print out the instructions, and purchase all the craft supplies to send him as a gift. The craft project I chose for him was a clothespin magnet. Take a look!
Clothespin Magnet

wooden or plastic clothespinsbuttons
google eyes, beads, small silk flowers, etc
hot glue with parent's help)
magnet strips
posterboard (white is best)
Begin by drawing the first letter in each family member's name on a piece of posterboard. Cut out the letters, they should be approximately 3 inches in height. I must confess, I just went to Michael's and purchased a thin wooden letter initial for $1.50 instead of using posterboard.
Next, glue together two clothespins in cross cross fashion so that both open at the same end (bottom). Position your letters onto the crisscrossed clothespin to make sure it will fit comfortably. Lay the posterboard letter onto the a flat work surface.
Have the children choose what they would like to use to decorate each letter with. One child may be very fond of the color purple and may choose a variety of buttons, pom poms, flowers, and beads, all in purple. Another child may have a liking for google eyes as one of ours did! Use whatever beads, baubles and items you like, as long as they aren't too heavy. Have the children arrange their "finds" on the letters (atop the work surface) the way they would like them to be on their magnets.
An adult will need to operate the glue gun. Apply glue to the items and affix them, one at a time, to the posterboard letter. Set aside to dry completely. On the back of the crisscrossed clothespin, attach a long magnet strip (these are self adhesive and available at discount and craft stores). You can also recycle old business card and flat magnets that you have lying around by cutting them to fit and gluing to the back. When finished, glue the letter to the clothespin and hang on the refrigerator!
I got a call from my sister telling me that the gift had been received and that my nephew was so excited to have a craft project to do. She's going to send me pictures of their completed clothespin magnet.
Creating a craft gift box for birthday gifts works for me. To find out what works for others, be sure to check out the other links at Shannon's, the creator of Works-For-Me Wednesday!
My past WFMW entries are found here.
Labels: kids crafts, Works-For-Me Wednesday
Snuggle Bug has had his life turned upside down these past few months! Having two little girls join our family has been quite an adjustment and one that's not easily explained to a 3 year old.
When Baby Bug arrived after Thanksgiving last year, he didn't seem to mind too much. She was a cute little thing and he was fascinated with having a 3 week old baby in the house. We explained that Baby Bug's mommy and daddy couldn't take care of her right now so we'd be taking care of her for a while. We were careful not to refer to her as his sister or say, "Our baby" as we weren't sure if how long we'd have her. We were trying to prevent him from getting too attached. That didn't really work.

Snuggle Bug understands that Baby Bug has a mommy and daddy of her own. He has always gone with Oronzo to drop her off for visits with her parents. There are times when she's not at our home that Snuggle Bug will say, "She seeing her mommy and daddy" so we know he gets that.
I do worry about how he will handle the day that we have to send Baby Bug home to her parents for good. I know he'll miss her but how sad will he be? Will he worry that he can be sent away too?
With the addition of Boo we've unfortunately seen behavior from Snuggle Bug that we're not used to. He's acted jealous, bossy, whiny, and clingy. His laid back attitude seemed to fly out the window for a time. We certainly understand why this has happened but that hasn't made it any easier to witness.
There are days when I want to pull my hair out with the refereeing I have to do because Snuggle Bug is snatching toys from Boo and telling her what she can't do or because Boo is plowing through toys that Snuggle Bug is playing with as she tries to play too.
I often have to stop, take a deep breath, and remind myself to be patient with both of them. They both have had enormous changes in their short little lives and they deserve some patience and understanding. I know that, if we're allowed to adopt Boo, things will get easier as they get older. We're already seeing great improvements just in the two and a half months since Boo joined our family.
There are some very sweet days too. Just the other night we went out for pizza and Snuggle Bug, Boo, and even Baby Bug were playing, making each other laugh, and having a grand time together. Snuggle Bug was helping Boo with her dinner and I sat back and soaked up the happy display of camaraderie. It felt like we were truly a family. For that brief period of time I was able to let go of the worrying about if/when we have to give the girls back. For that moment in time, all was right with the world.
In addition to the adjustment of fostering, I can't help but wonder when the light bulb will go on for Snuggle Bug becoming aware of the fact that he was adopted? I talk to him about his adoption in a very basic sense. I read him adopted related children's books (his favorite is "A Mother for Chaco"). I add his birth parents into our evening prayer routine. I do these things because I want him to grow up knowing he was adopted. I want that to be a natural part of his life, something he can feel comfortable talking to us about anytime he has questions. So far, he doesn't seem to have any inkling what adoption is all about and I'm sure that's because he's only 3 years old.
I still have a good relationship with Snuggle Bug's birth mother, Giselle. I send her updates and pictures by mail and we exchange emails from time to time. I actually got a treasure trove of pictures sent to me by Giselle's grandmother (Snuggle Bug's great grandmother). They're pictures of Giselle from infancy through high school. It's amazing to see how much Snuggle Bug looks like her at the same age! I'm thrilled that I have these pictures for him. Now I just have to get some of his birth father, if possible. We never hear from him.
We are so blessed to have been chosen to parent this amazing little boy and I thank God frequently for that blessing!
Labels: adoption #1, expanding our family, family, fostering, parenting, Snuggle Bug

Please, go check it out and leave Donetta of My Quiet Corner some comments to let her know what you thought of her post.

If you are a member and have a post you'd like highlighted in the near future, send me an email with a link to that post and I'll check it out!
Labels: BloggedIn, BloggedIn Highlight

What I didn't realize until we received the product was that this set is geared for children 7+. Snuggle Bug is 3 years old. Believe me, this was no problem.
Ends up, Oronzo is a 7 year old boy trapped in a 40 year old body! He was really excited when this product arrived and he had these motorized race cars assembled in no time flat! He waited until Snuggle Bug was in bed to get started and then spent a considerable amout of time "testing them out" for Snuggle Bug.
The next morning, Snuggle Bug discovered them sitting on the kitchen table and jumped up and down with glee, asking to play with them. He and Oronzo had a blast playing with these battery operated race cars, inside and outside the house.
I'd highly recommend this product to any of you with children 7+, or with husbands who like kids toys as much as your kids do!
K'NEX has a lot of other neat educational products for kids. I encourage you to check out their website to learn more.
Labels: product review
At A Chelsea Morning's Little Shoppe you'll find all sorts of wonderful hand made items like burp clothes, sock monkeys, fleece blankets, and more!
Before her shop even opened, I ordered a set of three burp clothes from Barb, to give as a gift to Baby Bug's parents.
Paying Barb was made simple by using Paypal. Once my payment was received, Barb shipped out my order quite promptly.
I was delighted with the quality and style of the burp clothes and I loved the adorable way Barb had packaged them.
I would highly recommend any hand made item that Barb has to offer! She is a pleasure to do business with!
Labels: baby products, bloggity goodness, product review, shopping

Good Friday to you all! It's time for another Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe exchange!
I love certain brands of granola bars but I've always wanted to make my own so that I know exactly what's gone into them (no additives or preservatives). I found a great chewy granola bar recipe on FoodNetwork.com. These turned out really yummy! I think you'll like them.

Now, I look forward to seeing your Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe! I won't be able to visit your recipes right away but fear not, I will stop by to visit your recipe as soon as I can!
Don't forget to link your specific recipe post link on Mr. Linky so I can see what's cooking at your house!
Oh, and be sure to put the title of your recipe in parenthesis! It makes it so much quicker for me to go back and search for recipes as I build my weekly menu.
For guidelines and my past Favorite Ingredients Friday recipes, click here.
Thanks so much for your participation. I do appreciate it!
Labels: cooking, Favorite Ingredients Friday, recipe exchange

Labels: Baby Bug, foster children, fostering, illness
Apparently, Steven Curtis Chapman is a Christian musican/singer and is both a biological father and an adoptive father. He has an organization that helps people adopt children.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Labels: adoption, bloggity goodness

Labels: Baby Bug, foster children, fostering, illness
Boo has been with us for just over 2 months now. I'm amazed at how quickly she's adjusted to our family. Her CPS worker told me last week that she's never seen Boo look happier. Since she's known Boo longer than we have, I'll have to take her word for it. Her comment made me quite happy!
Let me tell you what we're learning about Boo.
Boo has an adventerous spirit. She likes to explore all of her surroundings, she's curious, she's active, and she's quite fearless. She's a bit sassy and throws little fits every now and then but her bad moods pass almost as quickly as they come. She is one, after all.
Boo is becoming more affectionate with us as each day passes. She started calling Oronzo "Dada" pretty early on and now she calls him "Daddy" like Snuggle Bug does. She calls me "Mama". She seeks us out for hugs and repeated kisses. She likes to snuggle with us before naps and bedtime. She adores Snuggle Bug, as long as he's not trying to take something away from her and then she fiercely objects. This girl is not a push-over!
As you can see, Boo has beautiful hair. Part of what has helped me bond with her is fixing her hair each morning. I set her up on our bathroom vanity in front of the mirror and she patiently sits while I style her hair. We "chat" and make funny faces at each other. Like with Baby Bug, I enjoy making her hair bows to match her outfits.
I've taken to rocking her and letting her drink her milk while I hold her in my arms before laying her down for a nap or for bedtime. Making one-on-one cuddle time has helped us to bond as well.
As for what her future will bring, it's still uncertain at this point. If you remember, she was transferred out of a foster-only home into our foster-to-adopt home in an effort to help CPS build a case to persuade the judge to change her case plan from a reunification goal to one of adoption. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to have worked.
I attended a court hearing for Boo last week and CPS made their case as to why they felt the judge should move towards a goal of adoption. Boo's mother was not present but her court appointed lawyer was and he made an opposing case of giving the goal of reunification more time. He wants the judge to wait until at least October, maybe even longer, before making a final decision. I can't get into all the details as to why.
The judge seemed very non-committal either way at this court appointment. I think if he had his way he would've avoided making a decision altogether and just set another Dependency Review in 6 months and looked at this situation again. CPS diplomatically reminded him that in our state a child is due to have a Permanency Hearing set after they've been in the system for 12 months (so that don't languish in foster care for years and years with nothing resolved). So, the judge was reminded that he is required to set a Permanency Hearing date and he rather reluctantly set one for 30 June, two days before Boo will have reached the 1 year mark of being in the system.
I walked out of that court hearing last week feeling quite discouraged. When Boo was placed with us, CPS felt pretty confident that the judge would agree with them (and Boo's lawyer) that moving towards severance and adoption is in Boo's best interests. From what I heard in the court room, I think CPS was a bit overly optimistic.
From what I know of this case, I do think that if the parents are given an extension it's still likely going to end in the goal being changed to adoption but I fear the judge will let this drag on for another year before he's willing to declare Boo free for adoption. And who knows what will happen during that time. ((sigh))
This is where the phrase, "Let go and let God" really comes into play. I can't control this situation so I have to offer it up to God. All I can do is give Boo lots of love and attention and a stable home environment while she's with us. And of course, I'll be praying for her. I hope you'll do the same.
Check back on Monday if you'd like to read an update on Snuggle Bug.
Labels: Boo, foster children, foster-to-adopt, fostering

It's time to pick a winner for my April Pay It Forward Book Exchange. I've used Random.org to find my winner.
And the winner is...
# 8- Swapna Krishna a non-blogger who wins Creations In Death by J.D. Robb.
Congrats, Swapna! Please email me your mailing addresses so I can send out your book! If I don't hear from you soon, I'll have to pick another winner.
And for those of you who didn't win my giveaway, check out the additional books still up for grabs this month!
My next Pay It Forward Book Exchange will be held on Thursday, 1 May.
Labels: books/reading, giveaways, Pay It Forward, winners

Happy Friday! It's time for my Favorite Ingredients Friday Spreads & Dips Edition!
We attend family-oriented gatherings quite often and I'd love to have some tried and true spread and/or dip recipes to make. I can't wait to see what you all come up with.
The recipe I'm about to share is something I found on Kraftfoods.com. It's quick, simple, and yummy. Enjoy!

4 cups JET-PUFFED Miniature Marshmallows
25 KRAFT Caramels (about 1/2 of 14-oz. bag)
1/4 cup evaporated milk
Place marshmallows, caramels and evaporated milk in medium saucepan; cook on low heat until marshmallows are completely melted and mixture is well blended, stirring frequently. Pour into serving bowl. Cool slightly.
SERVE warm as a dip with assorted cookies and fresh fruit dippers.
SUBSTITUTE Use 1/4 cup milk in place of evaporated milk when preparing this sweet dip.
Don't forget to link your specific recipe post link on Mr. Linky so I can see what's cooking at your house!
Oh, and be sure to put the title of your recipe in parenthesis! It makes it so much quicker for me to go back and search for recipes as I build my weekly menu.
For guidelines and my past Favorite Ingredients Friday recipes, click here.
Thanks so much for your participation. I do appreciate it!
The short of it...CPS got their way. They are no longer providing any transportation for Baby Bug and Baby Bug was enrolled in a nearby daycare this past Monday. I'm less than thrilled!
Now, for the details (fair warning, this is going to be a long post!).
I will give Baby Bug's CPS worker (and her supervisor) credit for being quite clever. Not only did she successfully maneuver out of transporting entirely for this case, but she also presented the daycare situation to Oronzo in such a way that he couldn't help but be swayed to her way of thinking! I was at work the morning she came to discuss it with him.
Here's how things now work:
1) Baby Bug is enrolled in a nearby daycare. CPS is picking up the tab, entirely. We're not sure if they have her enrolled PT or FT but since we're not paying I guess it doesn't matter.
2) Three days a week, Oronzo (or myself) is responsible for dropping Baby Bug off at daycare by no later than 9 AM. The daycare opens at 7:30 AM so in theory we could drop her off as early as 7:30 AM. That will happen over my dead body. She will arrive at around 8:45 AM-8:55 AM.
3) On those three scheduled days, Baby Bug's parents are responsible for picking Baby Bug up at the daycare no later than 9 AM and they must have her returned to the daycare by 4:30 PM. Oronzo or I have until 6 PM to pick Baby Bug up from daycare. Again, I can assure you she will not be languishing in daycare until 6 PM.
4) I demanded some guidelines of my own in this less than desirable situation. First, I informed the CPS worker that I would be calling the daycare center each morning at 10 AM to make sure that Baby Bug had been picked up by her parents, so that she wouldn't be sitting in there all day, unbeknownst to us if her parents didn't show up. If they hadn't arrived by 10 AM, I told the CPS worker that Oronzo or I would go pick her back up and it was to be understood that her parents had then forfeited their entire day's visit. Second, if Baby Bug's parents were going to be late in dropping her back off at the specified 4:30 PM time, I expected them to call and let the daycare center know so that we could be warned. I made it clear to the CPS worker that if Baby Bug was not there when we arrived to pick her up and her parents hadn't called the daycare center, then we were going to call the CPS hotline, which involves the police going out to her parent's house to retrieve Baby Bug. Baby Bug's parents haven't done anything thus far to lead me to believe that we'd have any problems but I wanted it to be made very clear that if problems began there would be consequences and I needed to make sure that CPS would back me up. I needed to do my best to look after Baby Bug's interests since it seemed as though no one else was doing so! The CPS worker agreed to my stipulations and conveyed them in a letter to the parents.
Although I hate the idea of Baby Bug in daycare, her parents seem to hate it as much as I do and so far this week she's not been in daycare for more than 30 minutes each day! Yes, our tax payer's dollars are being wasted in such a way as this, since CPS (the State) is picking up the daycare tab. It's a joke, really!
We started this on Monday. Oronzo arrived at the daycare with Baby Bug at 8:45 AM and found Baby Bug's mom already there. Not only that, she had been there for an hour waiting! She was so nervous about the chance of being late and so excited at the thought of being allowed to have an all-day visit with her daughter for the first time in four months, that she left their house really early and got to the daycare an hour before Oronzo arrived! What a way to start things off on the right foot. My admiration for Baby Bug's mom increased even more that day! Monday afternoon, she had Baby Bug back at 4:30 PM on the dot and I picked her up on my way home from work at 5 PM. Baby Bug's mom arrived early the next two mornings as well and has been very punctual in returning her.
I feel bad that her parents have been left holding the bag as far as transporting for visits, especially since they have to travel across town, but they don't seem to mind one bit. They are just thrilled to have more time with their daughter.
Baby Bug's visitation with her parents is going to be increasing steadily over time. If this three days per week schedule goes well, after a while it'll be increased to four days, then five. Eventually they'll get some overnight visits and then weekend visits. The ultimate goal, of course, is reunification and her return home to her parents on a full-time basis.
I have such mixed feelings about all of this. On one hand, I'm happy that her parents are getting more time with their daughter and I'm very hopeful that they will continue to do well and do what they have to do to get her back. I really do think this is a good thing.
I love this child as if she were my own, knowing full well that she's not. I "know" her and she knows me. Her face lights up like a Christmas tree anytime she hears my voice or sees me walk into a room. I know what each of her cries mean and how to comfort her. I know exactly how to hold her when she's over-tired and needs to get to sleep or if her tummy is hurting her. I love buying her cute little outfits and making her hair bows/clips to match! I love holding her close, rocking her, and surrounding her in song and prayer. I love caring for her and keeping her safe.
Baby Bug's next court date isn't until mid-July and even then it's uncertain as to whether or not the judge will consider Baby Bug's parents ready to get her back but by then she will have been with us for 8 months and I think, if they continue to do so well, her parents will have a very good shot at getting her back at that point in time.
So, our time with Baby Bug is dwindling. My heart aches at the thought of it. But, while she's still with us, I will be the squeaky wheel advocating for her best interests. Obviously I'm not going to win every battle, but I won't go quietly. She deserves the very best and I intend to do everything in my power to see to that while I am able.
That's all for now. I'll update you all on Boo and then Snuggle Bug very soon, so stop back again. As always, your prayers and your support are much appreciated!
Labels: adoption #2, Baby Bug, foster children, fostering

I don't know about you but as much as I love participating in this WFMW exchange, sometimes I can't think of any decent ideas. So, unless Shannon requests a specific theme, I've decided to focus my efforts on offering craft ideas. And I'd love it if you'd leave me a comment with some craft ideas of your own!

Coffee Filter Butterfly

Wooden Clothes Pins
Round Coffee Filters
Black Sharpie Marker
Watercolor Paints
Pipe Cleaner
Glue Gun
Take the coffee filters and spray them with water till they lay flat but aren't drenched (it should only take a few short sprays, I use warm water). Now, go nuts blobbing the watercolors on the wet coffee filters, it will run and smear but don't worry.
Use the Sharpie marker to draw eyes and a mouth on a wooden clothes pin.
Wrap a pipe cleaner once around the top of your wooden clothes pin (I added a dab of glue to the back to hold the pipe cleaners on tight) so that you have two antennas poking up. Curl the ends of each pipe cleaner to make the antennas look more realistic.
I put a strip of magnet on the backside of clothespin and stuck them on the fridge. My son made 5 of these and we're mailing some of them to the grandparents as little gifts, just for fun!
Creating coffee filter butterflies works for me. To find out what works for others, be sure to check out the other links at Shannon's, the creator of Works-For-Me Wednesday!
My past WFMW entries are found here.
Labels: craft ideas, kids crafts, Works-For-Me Wednesday

Please, go check it out and leave Gibee of Kisses of Sunshine some comments to let her know what you thought of her post.

If you are a member and have a post you'd like highlighted in the near future, send me an email with a link to that post and I'll check it out!
Labels: BloggedIn Highlight, bloggity goodness

Good Friday to you all! It's time for another Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe exchange!
I love, love, love risotto! It takes some time and effort to make but it's so worth it! This recipe is particularly yummy. I think you'll like it.

3 to 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 1/2 cups Arborio rice
1 cup dry white wine, such as Pinot Blanc or Sauvignon Blanc
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan, plus more for serving
In a medium saucepan, bring the broth to a simmer and keep warm over low heat. In a separate medium saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons of the butter over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon, until the onion is transparent, about 5 minutes.
Add the rice and cook, stirring, until it is well coated with the butter and starts to turn translucent, about 2 minutes. Add the wine and simmer gently until all the liquid is absorbed, 3 to 5 minutes.
Ladle 1/2 cup of the warm broth into the rice mixture and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the broth is absorbed. Repeat, adding 1/2 cup of broth at a time, until the rice is cooked through but still firm, 20 to 25 minutes total. Add the remaining butter and the salt, pepper, and 1/2 cup of Parmesan. Stir to incorporate. Adjust seasoning with more salt to taste. Serve immediately, topping with additional Parmesan.
Now, I look forward to seeing your Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe! I won't be able to visit your recipes right away but fear not, I will stop by to visit your recipe as soon as I can!
Don't forget to link your specific recipe post link on Mr. Linky so I can see what's cooking at your house!
Oh, and be sure to put the title of your recipe in parenthesis! It makes it so much quicker for me to go back and search for recipes as I build my weekly menu.
For guidelines and my past Favorite Ingredients Friday recipes, click here.
Thanks so much for your participation. I do appreciate it!
Labels: cooking, Favorite Ingredients Friday, recipe exchange
Labels: adoption #2, Baby Bug, foster children, fostering, Oronzo

Since the day Baby Bug's parents received supervised visits 4 months ago, we've had transportation problems!
Although not required in our state, we offered to be responsible for transporting Baby Bug to her visits (45 minute drive each way) in the mornings, as long as CPS would transport her back from her visits. We didn't want to be the type of foster parents that refused to be helpful.
From the beginning, Oronzo would arrive with Baby Bug on time for the supervised visits but the CPS aide assigned to supervise the visits would inevitably show up late, so Oronzo would have to sit around with the kids in the car and wait for her arrival so that he could pass Baby Bug off to her. And even though we'd be given a time that she would be returned back to us, again the CPS aide would show up much later than expected.
The latest is that CPS is trying to pressure us into being responsible for picking Baby Bug up at the end of her visits so that they don't have to. We've told them from day one that this will not work for us, as the return time is always either during nap time for the other two kids or during dinner time and my work schedule changes from week to week so I can't commit to being available either.
As if that weren't bad enough, Oronzo tells me that the visitation times change on a weekly basis. He's looked back at his calendar over the past 4 months and there's not been two straight weeks of the same visitiation schedule. CPS keeps changing it and usually with very short notice! Baby Bug's visits with her parents are increasing in length and frequency as they prepare to eventually transfer her back home so this is a good thing and we want to help where we can but we've got two other children and our work schedules to factor in as well!
And then there are the required monthly visits where CPS comes to our home to check on Baby Bug. Baby Bug's CPS worker has changed the visit for today twice and then didn't show up at the appointed 8:30 AM time. She emailed (not a phone call, an email) Oronzo minutes before the scheduled time to say she couldn't make it and that she'd need to reschedule for today at 1:30 PM. Oronzo is really ticked off, since this isn't the first time she's pulled this on him, and is emailing her back to say she'll have to pick another day because 1:30 PM won't work for him!
I understand that CPS is understaffed and overworked but do they have to be so discourteous to foster parents in their efforts to juggle all of their responsibilities. Their inconsistencies and lack of common courtesy is frustrating!
At least we've had no problems with Boo's CPS worker thus far! I guess that's something.
Labels: adoption #2, Baby Bug, fostering, Oronzo

I have a sweet tooth and I love to bake. Oh, and I'm a chocoholic too! I thought it'd be fun to have a dessert-themed recipe exchange. I hope you can share some of your favorite dessert recipes with me!
The recipe I'm about to share is something I found on FoodNetwork.com. It takes a bit of work but believe me when I tell you it's worth the effort. This cake is scrumptous and sure to please your loved ones!

Position an oven rack in the center of the oven and pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Coat 2 (9-inch) round cake pans with non-stick cooking spray. Cut 2 circles of parchment paper to fit the pan bottoms and place them inside the pans; then spray the paper for added non-stick insurance. Pour batter into the prepared pans and smooth the surface with a spatula; the pans should be 2/3 full. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, see Cook's note*.
*Cook's note: The cake is cooked when a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean and the cake springs back when touched.
Chocolate Chip Butter Cream: 3 cups powdered sugar 7 tablespoons hot water 4 ounces dark chocolate, melted and cooled 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 stick unsalted butter, at room temperature 1/4 cup semisweet dark chocolate, finely chopped.
Don't forget to link your specific recipe post link on Mr. Linky so I can see what's cooking at your house!
Oh, and be sure to put the title of your recipe in parenthesis! It makes it so much quicker for me to go back and search for recipes as I build my weekly menu.
For guidelines and my past Favorite Ingredients Friday recipes, click here.
Thanks so much for your participation. I do appreciate it!
Labels: baked goodies, bloggity goodness, Favorite Ingredients Friday, recipe exchange

Oronzo dropped the girls off on Monday afternoon. He told me that initially Boo seemed un-phased by being at Barb and Jim's house (the respite care providers) again. But when Oronzo started heading for the door without her, she started to cry. Barb picked her up and held her on her lap to comfort her as Oronzo said his goodbyes. Baby Bug didn't protest but she's only 4 1/2 months old so I wouldn't have expected her to.
I've called Barb every day, since leaving for Vegas on Monday, to check on the girls. Barb told me Boo was anxious most of Monday but on Monday evening she seemed to loosen up a bit and started playing with the toys they had. She slept through the night that night and has every night since. Each day Boo has gotten more comfortable with Barb and Jim and now is to the point where she's actually having fun.
Baby Bug has had troubles with her morning naps at Barb and Jim's house, so she's been a bit fussy in the mornings but other than that she's doing fine too. She started sleeping through the night for us last Wednesday and she's continuing to do this for Barb and Jim.
Barb tells me she's enjoying her time with the girls and she's been so suportive of my phone calls. She doesn't seem to mind taking the time to chat with me each day and share what the girls are up to.
I'm flying home tomorrow but I won't get in until after the girls are in bed. I'm tempted to go in, pull Boo out of bed, and to sit and rock with her when I get home. I've miss holding her (and Baby Bug) in my arms!

I can't wait to get home tomorrow!
Labels: adoption #2, Baby Bug, Boo, foster children, fostering, Oronzo, product review, Snuggle Bug

This week Shannon has asked us to post our Greatest Hits Edition, in other words she's asked us to re-run one of our favorites of our own WFMWs. I know just the one to share again!
I posted this tip back on 20 September 2006 and was surprised at the great response it got! Here it is again.
I'm not sure where I stumbled across this list, and I'm sure there are others out there, but I have this one taped up on our refrigerator. It helps to give me ideas on what tasks to encourage Snuggle Bug to learn.
This image isn't expanding as I had hoped when you click on it so if you'd like me to email this list to you in a Word document so that you can read it and print off a nice copy, just leave me a comment with your email address and I'd be happy to do so!
Don't worry, if you leave me your email addresses, I promise I will not try to get rich quick by selling them to a mass marketing firm. :) I'll use them just to send out this list.
This chore list works for me. Maybe it'll work for you too! I'd love to hear about some of the age appropriate chores that your children are doing!
To find out what works for others, be sure to check out the other links at Shannon's, the creator of Works-For-Me Wednesday!
My past WFMW entries are found here. Oh, a quick note:
Labels: Works-For-Me Wednesday

It's time for another one of my free Pay It Forward book giveaways!
For those who may have missed out, please read about the guidelines right here.
So, I have one book to give away this month.

This book was sent to me by Anne with Authors on the Web. Thanks, Anne!
Editorial Review by Publishers Weekly:
At 27 books and counting, Nora Roberts is more prolific under her Robb pseudonym than most authors manage in a single career. Yet the latest in her not-so-near-future detective series featuring New York Police Det. Eve Dallas offers a satisfyingly novel mélange of suspense, sex, forensics and heroics. It's 2060, and the serial killer nicknamed The Groom is back in town after an absence of nine years, resuming his horrific run of kidnapping, torturing and killing young women. Dallas, who served as a detective in the frustrating first investigation, assumes lead role in this one. This time, not only do the killer's chosen victims have ties to Dallas's husband, Roarke, but Dallas herself may be the killer's ultimate target. Swiftly paced, the story cuts frequently from the investigation to the killer's progress with his victims. Dallas works to outplan, outfight and outsmart the killer; to keep her handsome, rich husband happy; and to be ready for the next round after a good night's sleep. Robb's latest is bound to please Dallas fans.
I love Nora Roberts and this book was an excellent read. It kept me in suspense the entire time I was reading it. I think you'll enjoy it!
If you'd like to this book, here is what you must do:
1. On your blog, write a post about this giveaway, using my "Pay It Forward" button, and then link back to my post. I am sure your readers would appreciate learning about the chance to win a book. You must complete this step to be put in the drawing, unless of course you don't have a blog!
2. Sign the Mr. Linky (the Mr. Linky is that list of names at the end of this post - just type your name in the box) with your name and the specific URL of your PIF post. Note: If you are not a blogger, you may still enter to win. Just sign your name on the Mr. Linky without a URL and then email me your contact information. Please note on your email that it is for the PIF book giveaway.
I'll announce the winner on Saturday morning, 19 April, so be sure to check back.
Best of luck!
If you have any books you'd like to Pay It Forward yourself this month, please leave me a comment and I'll link you in this post!
Additional Pay It Forward Giveaways:
1) Caroline at food for thought is giving away two more books, The Friday Night Knitting Club, by Kate Jacobs and Shopaholic & Baby, by Sophie Kinsella on 18 April. Stop by her blog to enter to win. Thanks, Caroline!
Caroline at food for thought gave away two books, Mothers Need Time-Outs, Too by Susan Callahan, Anne Nolen, and Katrin Schumann and I Married My Mother-in-Law edited by Ilena Silverman on 5 April. Thanks, Caroline!
Jubilee at notes of jubilee gave away two books, The Door In The Dragon's Throat by Frank Peretti and Improving Your Serve -- The Art of Unselfish Living by Charles Swindoll on 14 April. Thanks, Jubilee!
Heather at Production, Not Reproduction gave away the book, Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood on 15 April. Thanks, Heather!
Tamy at 3 Sides of Crazy gave away the book, Lakeside Cottage by Susan Wiggs on 23 April. Thanks, Tamy!
Cynthia at Springmont Cottage gave away the book, Puttin' on the Grits by Deborah Ford on 21 April. Thanks, Cynthia!
Forgetfulone gave away the book, Garden of Beasts by Jeffery Deaver. on 30 April. Thanks, Forgetfulone!
Labels: bloggity goodness, books/reading, giveaways, Pay It Forward

Please, go check it out and leave Christine of Serenity How? some comments to let her know what you thought of her post.

If you are a member and have a post you'd like highlighted in the near future, send me an email with a link to that post and I'll check it out!
Labels: BloggedIn Highlight, blogger friends, bloggity goodness