Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Works-for-Me Wednesday (inexpensive landscaping)

Now, for my WFMW tip...

Go Plant a Tree...or 10
When Oronzo and I moved into our house two years ago, the landscape left much to be desired!
A friend told us of the National Arbor Day Foundation. For a $10 a year membership fee, they will send you 10 trees (flowering or oak). Your 10 free trees are guaranteed to grow, or the Foundation will replace them free of charge. Your six to twelve inch trees come postpaid (Free shipping) with easy planting instructions.
What's neat is that, if you wish, you can choose to have the 10 free trees sent to another address, such as your place of worship or perhaps the school that your little one goes to.
So, having inexpensive trees sent to you from the National Arbor Day Foundation works for me, maybe it'll work for you. To see what works for others, be sure to check out the other links at Shannon's, the creator of Works-For-Me Wednesday!
My past WFMW entries:
chalk it up
fun & creative labels
Melt Down
How to get your spouse to do the dishes
the Plate Method
free steak seasonings/marinades
bargain shopping tips
free customized ring tones
party favor basket
10 ways to make brushing fun!
Crayola Twistables Slick Stix
kids car organizer
stop urban legend emails
send credit scores soaring
foolproof extra creamy cottage cheese
stainless steel ball whisk
Uses for your child's wagon
10 Reasons Why Parents Should Not Spank
Love Sweet Love
travel tip
free children's printables
calendar labels
Strawberry Spinach Salad
mesh laundry bag uses
12 lbs 'til Christmas
toddler healthy eating techniques
reindeer puppet
Grocery Game website
No Fear Shakespeare
list of age appropriate children's chores
linking within comments
baptism gift
creating blogger categories
alternate use for pot rack
cake decorating tips
unique way to stay connected
cake baking tip
comforts of home while traveling
quenching the thirst of your little one
pie crust made in bulk
hot chocolate kicked up a notch
Labels: Works-For-Me Wednesday
just found your amazing blog!
lots of great information
This is one I will use! Thank you!
I'm going to check that out! not that an acre of dirt, in the middle of more dirt, surrounded by miles of .. well,, dirt isn't appealing :)
Ive heard of them sending out trees. What a great idea. Great way to get trees where you want them.
Great information! I had not heard about that before. Thanks for sharing.
Also - saw your comment about your hubby's spagehetti sauce. If you are willing to share it with a "stranger", I'd love it! I'd love to get rid of Prego :)
that sounds great - our yard definitely needs something done to it - we knew that moving in and 3 years later we are still looking at the same old yard...
This is a great idea. I know my dad does this. Maybe when we are done renting...
This is an AWESOME tip! One of the houses we like in the burbs will need quite a bit of landscaping (if we ever sell our condo, that is), so I will definitely keep this in mind!!
This is a fantastic idea! My husband and I were actually discussing this just two days ago. We really need some trees in the front yard. When we moved in two years ago we had to get rid of the GIANT tree in front because the roots were under the porch and already cracking it. Now our front yard is bare. I'm glad you shared this. God bless!
Now there's a great tip! Blessings...
Oh and I forgot to say...can I go to that little cafe at the top of that mountain and have pie? Sounds wonderful! blessings...
Fabulous Idea!
I had never heard of that -- what a great idea and resource.
Hmm. That's something handy to know.
Love your colourful blog...
That is a great idea...
Incidentally, I noticed a past blog about 10 reasons to not spank your kids. I am a social worker and teach in home parenting skills all the time. I would be interested in this complete list, if you wouldn't mind me sharing it with the parents I work with. My work email is -- thanks so much!
Wow, I'm signing up for this. Thanks!
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